本文选题:民族产业 + 政府采购 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:政府采购是指使用公共资金的国家机关、社会团体、事业单位以及其他社会组织为了公共利益的需要而动用公共资金购买、租赁商品、工程、智力成果及雇用劳动或获取服务的行为。我国政府采购市场正处于起步阶段,民族产业还没有和国际社会公开竞争的能力,全面开放政府采购市场必将对我国民族产业发展造成巨大冲击。但是,迫于国家压力,我国又不得不加入《政府采购协议》(简称GPA),开放政府采购市场。 我国的政府采购工作仍然处于摸着石头过河的状态。政府采购属于财政支出范畴,所以采购机构基本上都在财政部门,政府采购的管理权和执行权都集中在财政部门。客观上造成了财政部门既是裁判又是选手的局面。我国的政府采购制度不够完善,存在与国际公约抵触的内容,还没办法从法律上保护我国发展中的民族产业。市场竞争环境与竞争条件的不对等,使得国内外供应商很难站在同一起跑线上进行竞争,如不通过政府采购民族产业保护制度依法对其予以保护,其发展前景岌岌可危。因此,如何完善政府采购制度促进民族产业发展已经成为我国加入GPA前面临的突出问题。 本文提出,我国应该将政府采购政策性目标予以原则化,修改相应的法律条文,制定《政府采购法实施细则》;确立国货在政府采购中的相对优先地位,明确本国货物的界定标准,适时弘扬国货文化;完善中小企业保障制度,中小企业在创造就业机会、自主创新、促进国民经济增长等方面有着不可低估的作用;同时,,完善政府采购进口产品监审制度;完善权利救济制度,“权利的救济更重于权利的宣告,权利的实现更重于权力的设定”,只有救济程序才能保障原权利得以恢复或实现。要多管齐下,以确保政府采购的政策功能取得积极成效,保护民族产业发展。
[Abstract]:Government procurement is the act of using public funds to purchase , lease goods , engineering , intellectual achievements and hire labor or obtain services in order to meet the needs of public interest . The government procurement market is in its infancy , the national industry has no ability to compete with the international community , and the comprehensive open government procurement market will cause great impact on the development of our national industry . However , in the country , China has to join the government procurement agreement ( GPA ) to open the government procurement market .
The government procurement is still in the state of groping the river . The government procurement belongs to the category of financial expenditure , so the purchasing institution is basically in the financial department , the government procurement management right and the executive power are concentrated in the financial department . The government procurement system is not perfect . There is no way to protect the national industry from the law . The market competition environment and the competition condition are not perfect . Therefore , it is impossible to protect the national industry from the law . Therefore , how to perfect the government procurement system to promote the development of the national industry has become the prominent problem that China has faced before the GPA .
In this paper , it is suggested that the government procurement policy objective should be put into principle , the corresponding legal provisions should be modified , and the detailed rules for the implementation of government procurement law should be formulated ;
To establish the relative priority status of national goods in government procurement , to define the definition standard of domestic goods , and to carry forward the national goods culture in due course ;
We should perfect the guarantee system of small and medium - sized enterprises , and the small and medium - sized enterprises play an important role in creating employment opportunities , independent innovation and promoting national economic growth .
At the same time , perfect the government procurement import product supervision and review system ;
We should perfect the right relief system , " the relief of rights is more focused on the declaration of the right , the realization of the right is more focused on the setting of power " , only the relief procedure can guarantee the restoration or realization of the original right . In order to ensure the positive effect of the government procurement policy function , the development of the national industry is protected .
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