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发布时间:2018-06-15 04:10

  本文选题:县域经济 + 差异 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着海峡西岸经济区建设宏伟蓝图的不断扩展与“山海联动,点轴推进”战略的全面实施,泉州作为拉动福建省经济增长的主要力量,县域经济的协调发展直接关系到其经济发展的质量。本文通过单一经济指标和综合经济评价指标相结合,分析泉州市县域经济差异的总体情况。单一指标旨在解释泉州市县域经济差异时间演变特征,并且通过对锡尔指数的地区分解和基尼系数的产业分解,分别了解泉州市县域经济差异的空间特征和产业构成;综合经济评价指标旨在评价泉州市各县域经济发展的综合实力,分别从县域经济发展的水平、结构和速度三个方面,选取13个指标建立综合指标评价体系,运用统计软件SPSS16.0对各县域经济发展综合实力给予排序。分析结果显示,虽然泉州市县域经济发展相对差异有缩小的趋势,但是绝对差异却难以乐观,尤其表现为沿海与山区县域之间的差距。 针对县域经济发展所存在的差异,本文通过建立面板数据模型,分别对影响沿海与山区县域经济发展因素进行实证分析。实证结果表明,两大地带经济发展影响因素的贡献率各不相同。结合经济指标测度及实证分析的结果,本文认为沿海与山区应就影响经济因素及贡献率的不同,有所针对地采取相应的政策措施。同时,各县域应结合经济发展的相对优势,充分发展特色经济、推动产业结构优化升级、提高劳动生存率水平、提升城镇化率、加强政府宏观调控能力,从而全面提升经济发展实力。通过建立沿海与山区县域间经济发展联动机制,,完善沿海发达县(市、区)与山区欠发达县的对口扶持政策,强化经济间的拉动与辐射效应,从而带动大泉州经济的可持续发展、提升并扩大其在宏观经济发展格局中的地位及其作用。
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of the grand blueprint for the construction of the economic zone on the west side of the strait and the comprehensive implementation of the strategy of "mountain and sea linkage, point-axis promotion", Quanzhou is the main force driving economic growth in Fujian Province. The coordinated development of county economy is directly related to the quality of its economic development. Based on the combination of single economic index and comprehensive economic evaluation index, this paper analyzes the overall situation of county economic difference in Quanzhou City. The single index is designed to explain the temporal evolution characteristics of the county economic difference in Quanzhou, and through the regional decomposition of the Sier index and the industrial decomposition of the Gini coefficient, the spatial characteristics and industrial composition of the county economic difference in Quanzhou are respectively understood. The purpose of the comprehensive economic evaluation index is to evaluate the comprehensive strength of the county economic development in Quanzhou. From the three aspects of the level, structure and speed of the county economic development, 13 indexes are selected to establish the comprehensive index evaluation system. Using the statistical software SPSS 16.0 to rank the comprehensive strength of the county economic development. The results show that although the relative difference of county economic development in Quanzhou has a trend of narrowing, the absolute difference is difficult to be optimistic, especially the gap between coastal and mountainous counties. Aiming at the difference of county economic development, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the factors influencing the county economic development in coastal and mountainous areas by establishing panel data model. The empirical results show that the contribution rates of economic development factors are different. Combined with the economic index measurement and the results of empirical analysis, this paper holds that the coastal and mountainous areas should take corresponding policy measures according to the difference of economic factors and contribution rate. At the same time, the counties should fully develop the characteristic economy, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, improve the labor survival rate, promote the urbanization rate, and strengthen the government's macro-control ability, taking into account the relative advantages of economic development. In order to enhance the overall strength of economic development. Through establishing the linkage mechanism of economic development between coastal and mountainous counties, and perfecting the policy of supporting coastal developed counties (cities, districts) and underdeveloped counties in mountainous areas, and strengthening the pull and radiation effects among the economies, So as to promote the sustainable development of the economy of Daxuanzhou, promote and expand its position and role in the pattern of macroeconomic development.


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