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发布时间:2018-06-22 03:14

  本文选题:中国 + 中东 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the deepening of industrialization, the demand for energy, especially oil resources, in our country continues to expand. In 2003, China jumped to the second place in the ranking of the world oil consuming countries. The domestic energy structure of "rich in coal and less oil" causes our country to rely heavily on the import of petroleum, and it is expected that the degree of external dependence of our country will reach 60% by the end of 2013. As the Middle East region with the largest oil output in the world and the most proven oil production, it is one of the main sources of China's overseas oil, and is also an important battlefield for China to smoothly implement its "going global" energy strategy. China's energy security faces many risks, especially political risks, due to the complex and changeable political situation in the Middle East. This not only affects the successful implementation of China's energy strategy, but also damages the existing pattern of cooperation between China and the Middle East. In addition to the introduction, this paper from the three parts of the study. From the beginning of the second chapter, the paper puts forward the question, as the research foundation of this paper, it mainly expounds the strategic significance of Middle East oil to China's energy security from three aspects. First, by introducing the oil resources profile of the Middle East, it highlights the important geographical position of the Middle East; secondly, through the quantitative analysis of China's domestic oil supply and demand, it is concluded that China needs the oil supply of the Middle East; third, the United States is analyzed. Japan and the European Union respectively play games on the situation of oil resources in the Middle East and the influence of the game between the three on China's future energy security. The second part is the third chapter, which is the analysis of the second chapter. What is mainly discussed is the types of political risks that exist in China's oil investment trade in the Middle East. First, after making a clear definition of political risks, the political risks that may exist are summarized, mainly including the volatile political situation and political disputes in the Middle East. Discontinuous policies and regulations in the Middle East, interference and competition of third countries, military conflicts and local wars, and rampant terrorist activities and ethnic conflicts. The analysis of the current situation of war and peace in the Middle East will help us to develop good energy diplomacy with the Middle East countries. Chapter four, as the last part of the thesis, is the ultimate purpose of the paper, and the solution to the problem after detailed analysis. This chapter studies the risk avoidance measures and experiences of the United States and Japan in carrying out oil outward investment trade, and provides a reference for our country to effectively avoid political risks in petroleum investment and trade activities in the Middle East. The aim is to provide theoretical basis and decision reference for China's successful implementation of "going out" strategy of energy development and maintenance of national oil security.


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