[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century, the Yangtze River Delta region has become the focus of world attention with its rapid economic development and regional integration trend. But at the same time, some new problems and contradictions have begun to highlight: in 2004, the Yangtze River Delta region appeared a wider range of "labor shortage"; in 2007, a large area of cyanobacteria occurred in Wuxi; in 2008, by the financial crisis. As a result, the enthusiasm of foreign investment in the Yangtze River Delta region has begun to cool down, and some enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region are facing difficulties in operation. Whether the Yangtze River Delta region can successfully complete the transformation and turn around magnificently is related to the realization of the modernization goal of the Yangtze River Delta region and the establishment of the world-class urban agglomeration with international competitiveness.
From the historical point of view, the development of any society is not linear, and the transformation can be said to be a "thrilling leap" in the process of social development. Processes have greatly accelerated the pace of economic and social development, resulting in more frequent and prominent stages of leaps and changes. Therefore, from the historical depths of modernization development, the use of modernization-related theories and social change theory can provide a new perspective for China's current transformation of the scientific positioning and system research. Based on this, this paper attempts to analyze the process of world modernization, explore the inherent inevitability of transformation and development from the depth of history, in order to provide theoretical support for China's current transformation and development; and then on the basis of scientific interpretation of China's current transformation, the Yangtze River Delta region's transformation and development of theoretical exploration and empirical analysis. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) Transition is the inherent meaning of modernization and the inevitable result of contradictions and conflicts among the various factors of modernization. Modernization is a social change of the whole, which is not only the development of productive forces, but also the adjustment of production relations. Transition is the inevitable result of the accumulation of contradictions between productive forces and relations of production to a certain extent. Therefore, transformation is the inherent meaning of modernization and the result of continuous adaptation and gradual improvement of productive forces and relations of production. On the other hand, although modernization is a holistic social change, it is difficult to bring all aspects into play in a certain period of time. The asynchronous development of various factors of modernization will inevitably lead to the imbalance and disharmony of economic, social and environmental development in a certain period of time. This imbalance and disharmony is the embodiment of the contradiction between the deep-seated productive forces and production relations. It promotes the evolution of modernization and makes the transformation and development inevitable. It is the inevitable result of contradictions and conflicts in various factors of modernization.
(2) At present, China is facing the fourth transformation in the process of modernization, which is a comprehensive, pluralistic and compound transformation. The process of modernization in China has a history of more than 150 years, during which there have been three major transformation of modes with obvious characteristics of stages. At present, China is facing the fourth transformation in the process of modernization. Secondly, it is no longer a single economic system or political system transformation, but a comprehensive, pluralistic, compound transformation. It is a "five in one" transformation that meets the requirements of comprehensive modernization. It needs to promote the coordinated development of modernization in the five fields of economy, society, politics, culture and ecology.
(3) Transition is the inevitable choice under the "space-time resonance" of the Yangtze River Delta, and the unity of "space-time two-dimensional" and "content five-dimensional" transformation. Therefore, the transformation is the inevitable choice under the "space-time resonance" of the Yangtze River Delta. First, it is the internal unity of the "space-time two-dimensional" transformation; secondly, it is the "five-in-one" transformation related to each other in the content of modernization, and it is the unity of the "space-time two-dimensional" and "content five-dimensional" transformation.
(4) There are many structural and qualitative contradictions in the economic and social development of the Yangtze River Delta, which is the realistic foundation of the transformation and development. There should be five points: inefficient economic growth, it is difficult to maintain sustained and high-speed economic growth; low proportion of residents'consumption, high investment and unsustainable export-oriented model; inconsistent economic and social development, resulting in a variety of social contradictions and problems; rising factor costs, resource and environmental constraints; low urban agglomeration effect, regional agglomeration The spatial structure needs to be optimized.
(5) In recent years, the overall trend of transformation and development in the Seychelles-Yangtze River Delta region has been improving, but the progress of transformation in various fields is still not coordinated. According to the demand of modernization, this paper establishes an evaluation index system of transformation and development, and constructs two indicators: static level of transition development (TDL) and dynamic index of transition and development (TDI). The index system and 30 secondary indexes are combined and weighted by AHP and entropy method, and the longitudinal and horizontal comparative analysis of the transformation and development of the Yangtze River Delta is carried out.
Horizontal static comparison is made to calculate the transformation and development levels of the Yangtze River Delta and some coastal provinces and cities in China at the three time points of 2000, 2005 and 2011. The results show that the transformation and development levels of the Yangtze River Delta and the three provinces and cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have always been in the forefront of the whole country, especially in social transformation and ecological transformation. Vertical dynamic analysis has calculated the transformation development index of the Yangtze River Delta and the three provinces and cities. The results show that the transformation development of the Yangtze River Delta region has shown a good trend since 2000, but the transformation of various fields is not completely coordinated and synchronized. The main problems are basically the same, mainly economic growth efficiency and economic structure optimization progress is slow, lagging behind the pace of overall transformation;
(6) The transformation and development of the Yangtze River Delta are faced with many constraints and good opportunities. At present, the main factors restricting the transformation of the Yangtze River Delta are: traditional development concepts, institutional defects, development strategy defects, weak ability of independent innovation and Administrative economic obstacles. At the city level, the strategic opportunities brought about by the construction of the "four centers" in Shanghai; at the regional level, multiple inversion mechanisms are conducive to promoting the transformation of the Yangtze River Delta; at the national level, accelerating the integration process of the Yangtze River Delta is conducive to accelerating the regional transformation; at the international level, the restructuring of the global economy and The third industrial revolution has brought opportunities for development.
(7) The transformation and development of the Yangtze River Delta has a great variety of contents, which need to be designed as a whole to clarify the key points and Countermeasures of the transformation. This requires us to grasp the focus and direction of the transformation from a large number of transformation contents. Through graphic analysis, this paper seeks the key words and development focus of the transformation of the Yangtze River Delta. It holds that optimizing the industrial structure, ensuring social equity, strengthening the construction of independent innovation capacity, deepening the reform of the system and mechanism, enhancing the function of the core cities, and developing the platform. Economy and promoting regional integration should be the focus of the future transformation and development of the Yangtze River Delta.
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