发布时间:2018-10-18 12:46
【摘要】:长期以来,我国经济增长主要依赖投资需求和出口需求,消费需求对经济增长的驱动作用尚不明显,消费需求不足已成为制约我国经济进一步增长的瓶颈。扩大消费需求是拉动经济增长的主要途径,而居民消费又是消费需求的重要组成部分。因此,在新经济形势下进一步拉动国内经济增长的关键在于启动居民消费。 洛阳作为河南省第二大城市,是华中区域性中心城市的代表,是中原经济区的副中心城市。2011年,按支出法计算的洛阳市地区生产总值为2702.76亿元,其中居民消费675.65亿元,占生产总值的比重为25.0%,,资本形成总额为1602.04亿元,比重高达59.3%,货物和服务净出口额为12.44亿元,比重为0.5%。研究发现,最近几年,洛阳市消费需求总量逐年增长,但居民消费占地区生产总值的比重没有明显提高,同时,由于城乡二元经济结构的存在和区域非均衡发展,致使城乡居民消费差异比一直徘徊于3:1的高位水平。2011年洛阳市农村人口占全市常住人口的53.87%,农村居民最终消费为190.83亿元,占全市居民消费的28.24%;城镇人口占全市常住人口的46.13%,城镇居民最终消费为484.82亿元,占全市居民消费的71.76%,城乡居民消费差异较大。因此,洛阳市必须采取有效措施,缩小城乡居民消费差距,才能有效启动居民消费、增强消费能力,最终改善民生、拉动经济增长。 本文以洛阳城乡居民消费作为研究对象,对城乡居民消费水平和消费结构的差异进行了描述性统计分析;对城乡居民消费差异影响因素进行了定性分析;通过建立计量模型,利用SPSS软件对城乡居民消费差距的影响因素进行了定量检验,回归分析结果表明,城乡居民收入水平、城乡二元结构系数与城乡居民消费差异呈正相关关系;城镇化水平、人均地区生产总值、财政农林水事务与城乡居民消费差异呈负相关关系;最后从统筹城乡经济社会发展、推进城镇化进程、增大财政支农力度、切实增长农民收入、完善农村社会保障体系等方面提出了缩小城乡居民消费差距的对策建议。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the economic growth of our country mainly depends on the investment demand and the export demand. The driving effect of the consumption demand on the economic growth is not obvious, and the insufficient consumption demand has become the bottleneck restricting the further economic growth of our country. Expanding consumption demand is the main way to stimulate economic growth, and resident consumption is an important part of consumer demand. Therefore, in the new economic situation to further stimulate domestic economic growth, the key lies in the start of household consumption. As the second largest city in Henan Province, Luoyang is the representative of central China's regional central city and the sub-central city of the Central Plains Economic Zone. In 2011, the gross domestic product of Luoyang was 270.276 billion yuan, of which the residents' consumption was 67.565 billion yuan, according to the expenditure method. The proportion of GDP is 25.0 yuan, the total capital formation is 160.204 billion yuan, the proportion is as high as 59.3%, the net export value of goods and services is 1.244 billion yuan, the proportion is 0.5 yuan. The study found that, in recent years, the total consumption demand in Luoyang has increased year by year, but the proportion of resident consumption to the regional GDP has not obviously increased. At the same time, due to the existence of the urban-rural dual economic structure and the unbalanced development of the region, In 2011, the rural population in Luoyang accounted for 53.87% of the resident population, and the final consumption of rural residents was 19.083 billion yuan, accounting for 28.24% of the total consumption of the whole city. The urban population accounts for 46.13% of the resident population in the city. The final consumption of urban residents is 48.482 billion yuan, accounting for 71.76% of the residents' consumption in the whole city. The difference between urban and rural residents is great. Therefore, Luoyang City must take effective measures to narrow the gap between urban and rural residents' consumption, in order to effectively start the consumption of residents, enhance consumption capacity, ultimately improve the people's livelihood, stimulate economic growth. This article takes Luoyang urban and rural residents' consumption as the research object, carries on the descriptive statistical analysis to the urban and rural residents' consumption level and the consumption structure difference, carries on the qualitative analysis to the urban and rural residents' consumption difference influence factor, through establishes the metrological model, Using SPSS software, the factors influencing the consumption gap between urban and rural residents are quantitatively tested. The results of regression analysis show that the urban-rural residents' income level, urban-rural dual structure coefficient and the urban-rural residents' consumption difference are positively correlated; The per capita regional gross domestic product (GDP), financial agri-forestry water affairs and the difference between urban and rural residents' consumption are negatively correlated. Finally, from the perspective of coordinating urban and rural economic and social development, promoting the process of urbanization, increasing financial support for agriculture, and increasing farmers' income, Some suggestions on how to narrow the gap between urban and rural residents' consumption are put forward in order to perfect the rural social security system.
[Abstract]:For a long time, the economic growth of our country mainly depends on the investment demand and the export demand. The driving effect of the consumption demand on the economic growth is not obvious, and the insufficient consumption demand has become the bottleneck restricting the further economic growth of our country. Expanding consumption demand is the main way to stimulate economic growth, and resident consumption is an important part of consumer demand. Therefore, in the new economic situation to further stimulate domestic economic growth, the key lies in the start of household consumption. As the second largest city in Henan Province, Luoyang is the representative of central China's regional central city and the sub-central city of the Central Plains Economic Zone. In 2011, the gross domestic product of Luoyang was 270.276 billion yuan, of which the residents' consumption was 67.565 billion yuan, according to the expenditure method. The proportion of GDP is 25.0 yuan, the total capital formation is 160.204 billion yuan, the proportion is as high as 59.3%, the net export value of goods and services is 1.244 billion yuan, the proportion is 0.5 yuan. The study found that, in recent years, the total consumption demand in Luoyang has increased year by year, but the proportion of resident consumption to the regional GDP has not obviously increased. At the same time, due to the existence of the urban-rural dual economic structure and the unbalanced development of the region, In 2011, the rural population in Luoyang accounted for 53.87% of the resident population, and the final consumption of rural residents was 19.083 billion yuan, accounting for 28.24% of the total consumption of the whole city. The urban population accounts for 46.13% of the resident population in the city. The final consumption of urban residents is 48.482 billion yuan, accounting for 71.76% of the residents' consumption in the whole city. The difference between urban and rural residents is great. Therefore, Luoyang City must take effective measures to narrow the gap between urban and rural residents' consumption, in order to effectively start the consumption of residents, enhance consumption capacity, ultimately improve the people's livelihood, stimulate economic growth. This article takes Luoyang urban and rural residents' consumption as the research object, carries on the descriptive statistical analysis to the urban and rural residents' consumption level and the consumption structure difference, carries on the qualitative analysis to the urban and rural residents' consumption difference influence factor, through establishes the metrological model, Using SPSS software, the factors influencing the consumption gap between urban and rural residents are quantitatively tested. The results of regression analysis show that the urban-rural residents' income level, urban-rural dual structure coefficient and the urban-rural residents' consumption difference are positively correlated; The per capita regional gross domestic product (GDP), financial agri-forestry water affairs and the difference between urban and rural residents' consumption are negatively correlated. Finally, from the perspective of coordinating urban and rural economic and social development, promoting the process of urbanization, increasing financial support for agriculture, and increasing farmers' income, Some suggestions on how to narrow the gap between urban and rural residents' consumption are put forward in order to perfect the rural social security system.
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