[Abstract]:How to promote the underdeveloped regions to gain advantages in the market economy competition game is one of the focal points of many scholars studying regional economics. This study starts with the analysis of the connotation characteristics and the definition of the types of underdeveloped areas in China, and constructs the theoretical analysis framework of self-development ability of underdeveloped regions from the perspective of economic right endowment. This paper puts forward a new theoretical explanation and empirical test on the reality of economic and social development in underdeveloped areas of China, and then puts forward a strategic path to cultivate the self-development ability of regions. First of all, this study is based on the development of underdeveloped areas. The backward situation of underdeveloped areas makes people realize that the prerequisite for the transition from long-term underdeveloped state to developed state must be to break down the lack of regional rights and improve the level of self-development in the region. Different types of underdeveloped regions must combine the reality of regional economic and social development and choose the development strategy in order to overcome different obstacles. Secondly, this study is based on the reflection and recognition of regional self-development ability. From the perspective of new economic right endowment, this study combed the mechanism between right endowment and development ability, and constructed the theoretical analysis framework of self-development ability in underdeveloped areas. Material capital and labor rights and the ability to gather economic elements, human capital rights and the ability to promote human capital, the rights of scientific and technological progress and the ability to speed up scientific and technological innovation are studied. The relationship between the right of institutional change and the ability of attracting institutional change. Thirdly, according to the actual situation of the underdeveloped areas, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the self-development ability of the underdeveloped areas, and evaluates the self-development ability of the 12 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the western region by using this system. The results show that the level of self-development ability in underdeveloped areas is closely related to the ability of regional economic development to gather economic elements, to enhance human capital capacity, to speed up scientific and technological progress and to attract institutional changes. Sichuan, Chongqing has strong self-development ability and great potential; Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Guangxi, and Ningxia have strong regional self-development ability; Guizhou, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai have defects in some abilities. It is necessary to formulate relevant strategies to promote the self-development ability of the region, and the ability of self-development in Tibet is relatively weak, so it is necessary to formulate a special development strategy to cultivate and enhance the self-development ability of the region. Finally, this study puts forward the strategic choice of cultivating the sustainable development of underdeveloped areas in four directions: capitalization of resources, agglomeration of economic growth elements, extension of regional economic hinterland, technological imitation to technological innovation. The path choice and policy innovation of improving self-development ability are put forward for different types of underdeveloped areas.
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