[Abstract]:Given that Haiti's investment in the North American continent happens to be in the Caribbean, foreign investment has remained virtually unchanged in recent decades, given a number of factors. According to relevant statistics and statisticians, Haiti's GDP has not increased significantly in recent years. But geographically, Haiti is strategically positioned because it is not far from the world's superpower, the United States. As we all know, in this new technological era, the relationship between countries is becoming closer and closer, and the degree of economic globalization is becoming higher and higher. This also means that some poor and backward less developed countries can more easily benefit from developed countries through international trade, and can attract more foreign companies and manufacturing enterprises to enter the country and then drive their own economic development. Increase per capita income and wealth. But instead, Haiti's geographical advantage does not seem to have given it the benefits of economic globalisation. So there is a lot of doubt about why Haiti has not been able to attract a lot of foreign investment in recent decades. Perhaps the problem is not a social problem, but a political one. In this paper, first of all, our task is to analyze the importance of the industrial transfer of Chinese manufacturing industry to Haiti, to make a review and overview of the past situation of this kind of industrial transfer, and to try to analyze the positive significance of this kind of cooperation. Second, I will also analyze the need for Haiti and China to work together in manufacturing, especially in areas that can bring huge returns to both countries, such as the clothing industry and other service industries. Finally, I will compare and analyze the level and structure of the manufacturing industry between the two countries. Finally, we try to achieve the goal of helping the unemployed in both countries create more jobs and create a favourable investment environment for both countries to promote effective GDP growth and find new ideas and methods. In the past few decades, according to some scholars, financial analysts and economists, China has been a typical example of the world's largest and most profitable economic market in terms of boosting its own economic growth. If less developed countries like Haiti can strengthen economic cooperation and cultural exchanges with China, further deepen the friendship between the two countries, and seize the opportunities for cooperation between the two countries, will it not be more beneficial to promote their own economic development? To answer this question, more in-depth analysis of the two countries' manufacturing sectors and manufacturing economies, as well as some other economic factors, may be needed.
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