[Abstract]:Taking advantage of Qingdao's unique regional advantages and marine resources, Qingdao Municipal Government has implemented brand economy since 1980s, which has achieved remarkable success and promoted the huge development of Qingdao's economy. At present, with the development of economic globalization, if Qingdao wants to continue to maintain and enhance its regional competitive advantage, it must further promote the development of brand economy and realize the brand industry to brand economy. The leapfrog development of brand economy to brand city promotes the sustainable development of Qingdao economy. This paper reviews the development process and development model of brand economy in Qingdao by reviewing the relevant theories of brand economy and combining with the latest brand ecological economics. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of Qingdao's brand economy through the comparison of domestic and foreign urban brand economic development models, and deeply analyzes the problems existing in the development of Qingdao's brand economy and analyzes the causes. Finally, the Qingdao municipal government to further promote the development of Qingdao brand economy to provide constructive advice. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part defines the connotation of brand economy and puts forward the significance of the development of Qingdao brand economy to the development of regional economy and the rational allocation of resources. This section summarizes the general rules of the development of foreign brand economy and the typical brand economic phenomena and models of Qingdao, Guangdong, Suzhou, Dalian, Wenzhou and so on since China's reform and opening up. The second part analyzes the present situation and existing problems of Qingdao brand economy in the four stages of Qingdao brand economy. This paper reviews the development course of Qingdao brand economy, analyzes with the international and domestic brand enterprises, and provides domestic and foreign experience for the development of Qingdao brand economy. At the same time, the problems and opportunities in the development of Qingdao brand economy are analyzed, and the causes of the problems are analyzed deeply, which lays the groundwork for the third part to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the further development of the brand economy in Qingdao. The third part puts forward the strategic direction and development countermeasures of Qingdao in the development of brand economy, puts forward the development countermeasures in the new period from the angle of the government's public policy, exerts the macro-control function of the government, and co-ordinates the cooperation of the enterprises. To arouse the enthusiasm of trade associations, to improve the regional competitiveness of Qingdao, promote the development of brand economy countermeasures and suggestions.
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