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发布时间:2018-12-11 06:29
【摘要】:海岛经济作为我国经济发展的重要组成部分受到了高度重视,但是国家法律的不健全以及片面的追求经济增长,使人们在海岛开发活动中忽略了对海洋生态环境的保护。脆弱的海岛生态系统很容易受到人类经济社会活动的影响,带来海洋的污染和海岛生态环境的恶化,海岛生态环境的恶化反过来又制约了经济社会的长远发展。可见在追求经济发展的同时,协调好与海岛生态环境之间的关系意义重大,这也是亟待解决的问题。基于此,本研究着眼于研究如何实现海岛经济与海岛生态环境协调发展,选取长岛县的南长山岛、陀矶岛、大钦岛、南隍城岛为调研对象,通过走访当地居民、实地考察、搜集政府资料等方式进行深入调研,随后对相关研究和理论知识进行了梳理,建立了更加适合于长岛县的评价指标模型,借助评价模型对研究对象进行分析测评,继而找到长岛县在发展过程中存在的问题并提出相应的对策。 论文开始,先对国内外涉及到海岛生态系统、海岛经济、及两者之间协调发展的相关理论研究进行了梳理,为下面构建海岛经济与环境协调发展的评价模型奠定理论基础。其次,广泛搜集整理有助于论文写作的相关资料和数据,,资料涉及到长岛乡镇经济发展和长岛生态环境等方面,丰富的资料为接下来的研究提供充足的数据支撑。深入分析长岛经济与环境现状、目前所存在的主要问题以及影响因素。再次,结合具体研究对象和收集的资料,运用层次分析法建立了更加适用的评价指标体系,该指标体系涵盖了八个方面,以此反映经济发展和环境质量之间的关系,分别是反映经济发展的实力、结构、增量、质量和反映环境质量的大气、水体质量以及固体废物、生态环境。最后,结合前面建立的模型对经济发展、环境保护以及资源利用现状等方面进行研究分析,把整理后的调研数据带入模型,通过对各个指标进行测算度量得出研究结果,根据研究评价结果加以分析,并结合长岛经济与环境发展所存在的问题,提出具有针对性的解决方案,也就是实现长岛县乡镇经济与生态环境协调发展的对策。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the economic development of our country, the island economy has been attached great importance to, but the imperfect national laws and the one-sided pursuit of economic growth have made people neglect the protection of the marine ecological environment in the activities of island development. The fragile island ecosystem is vulnerable to the influence of human economic and social activities, which results in the pollution of the sea and the deterioration of the island ecological environment. In turn, the deterioration of the island ecological environment restricts the long-term development of the economy and society. It can be seen that while pursuing economic development, it is of great significance to coordinate well with the ecological environment of the island, which is also an urgent problem to be solved. Based on this, this study focused on how to realize the coordinated development of island economy and island ecological environment, and selected Nanchang Island, Tuoji Island, Dachin Island and South God City Island of Changdao County as the research objects. Collecting government information and other ways to conduct in-depth investigation, and then combing the relevant research and theoretical knowledge, set up a more suitable evaluation index model for Changdao County, with the help of evaluation model to analyze and evaluate the research object. Then find out the problems existing in the development of Changdao County and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. At the beginning of the paper, the related theoretical research on the island ecosystem, island economy and coordinated development between the island ecosystem and the island economy at home and abroad is combed in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the following evaluation model of the coordinated development of the island economy and the environment. Secondly, extensive collection and collation of relevant materials and data to help the paper writing, data related to the long Island township economic development and long Island ecological environment and other aspects, rich information for the next study to provide sufficient data support. The present situation of economy and environment of long Island, the main problems and influencing factors are analyzed in depth. Thirdly, a more suitable evaluation index system is established by using the analytic hierarchy process, which covers eight aspects, reflecting the relationship between economic development and environmental quality. They are the atmosphere, water quality, solid waste and ecological environment, which reflect the strength, structure, increment, quality and environmental quality of economic development. Finally, combined with the previous models to study and analyze the economic development, environmental protection and the current situation of resource utilization, the collected survey data were brought into the model, and the research results were obtained by measuring and measuring the various indicators. Based on the analysis of the results of research and evaluation and the problems existing in the development of economy and environment of long Island, this paper puts forward the corresponding solutions, that is, the countermeasures to realize the coordinated development of township economy and ecological environment in Changdao County.


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