[Abstract]:On April 18, 2015, the China Lixin risk Management Research Institute and the editorial Department of "Economic Research" jointly held the eighth China Lixin risk Management Forum in Shanghai Lixin Accounting Institute. More than 40 experts and scholars from the government, universities and research institutions attended the forum. The forum adopts the form of keynote report and academic seminar to discuss the theory and practice of risk management in China's economic operation under the new normal state of economy. In the keynote report of the forum, Pei Changhong, director of the Institute of Economic Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and editor-in-chief of "Economic Research", expounds the concept of opening to the outside world under the "New normal economy". He focused on the analysis of the new ideas, major measures and three general objectives of China's opening to the outside world since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC): perfecting a mutually beneficial, balanced, secure and efficient open economic system; and constructing an open economic system
【作者单位】: 上海立信会计学院中国立信风险管理研究院;
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