[Abstract]:Russia is between the rich and the poor in the world economy-actively participating in the international migration process. On the one hand, Russians are actively migrating around the world to develop their economy. On the other hand, the territory of the Russian Federation is attractive enough for migration from developing and underdeveloped countries such as Asia and Africa. Moreover, immigrants from "third world" countries use Russia as a temporary point or transit zone for further migration to economically developed Western countries. In the process of modern global migration, Russia becomes a large host country for two main reasons: first, the population density of the country is low, which is not suitable for the needs of domestic economic development; Second, some poor developing countries have emigrated to Russia because of their overpopulated population. The influence of foreign labor migration on Russia's economic development is shown in two aspects. On the one hand, the positive influence of foreign labor migration on Russian economy is mainly to supplement the shortage of domestic labor force; to alleviate the population crisis; to rationally adjust the distribution of population and labor resources under the condition of sustained economic development; To promote the growth of Russia's gross domestic product; increased taxes at all levels of Russian government. On the other hand, the negative effects of foreign labor migration on the Russian economy are as follows: impact on the local employment market, bring about capital outflow, and drain the Russian local public resources. The scale of illegal immigrants is increasing, and the phenomenon of uncontrolled market of goods and services leads to the formation and development of underground economy. By effectively monitoring the economic activities of foreign labour migrants, reducing the number of illegal immigrants, effectively managing the Russian labour market, reforming immigration policies and perfecting social security policies, We think the overall economic impact of the migration of foreign labor migrants to Russia should be positive and can be improved. At the same time, Russia's immigration problem can also be better solved.
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