[Abstract]:Only when China's economic development reaches the average level of the world, that is, the per capita GDP reaches the world average level, can China's rise and rejuvenation really open. The feasibility of the strategic orientation of regional development depends on the evolution of the strategic space for development in China and in various regions from the present to the middle of this century. That is, whether the strategic and enterprising leeway of regional economic development can support the shift of regional development orientation to a balanced materialistic direction. In the past, the "flat push industrialization", which was carried out in the narrow space of resource factors and flat technology, has faced the constraints of narrow strategic space, resulting in a decline in the marginal efficiency of resources, excess processing capacity, and shrinking profit space. Lack of regional attractiveness, bottleneck of environmental load and so on, and concentrated on the downward pressure of economic growth rate. Therefore, the regional economic development must expand to the depth of resources, industrial technology, regional culture and geographical pattern.
【作者单位】: 中国区域经济学会;
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