[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development of our country, industrial cluster has become the "engine" to promote the regional economic growth of our country. It has the agglomeration scale benefit and the cluster competitive advantage which other industrial organization forms cannot compare. Is our country innovation factor and production factor most concentrated place. From the point of view of system science, industrial cluster is a dynamic, open complex giant system. Among the factors that affect the development and evolution of industrial clusters, the government plays an important role in technological innovation, capital and policy support for the development of industrial clusters. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze how the role of government affects the evolution of industrial clusters and to establish a qualitative and quantitative model. Through reading a large number of domestic and foreign literature, the author deeply understands the formation motive force and evolution mechanism of industrial cluster, and analyzes in detail the different roles of government in each stage of industrial cluster evolution, and analyzes the role of government in different stages of industrial cluster evolution. Establishing the performance evaluation system of government investment in industrial clusters from three aspects: capital and technology; Using grey correlation degree analysis, quantitative analysis of the government's various types of capital investment and cluster scale relevance. In the process of studying the evolution of industrial clusters, it is found that the evolution of industrial clusters is similar to the evolution of biological populations. In view of this, based on the study of Logistic model of population growth, this paper assumes that environmental action has nonlinear influence on the capacity of industrial clusters from the perspective of ecology. Based on the analysis of the maximum environmental capacity of the cluster, an improved Logistic model is proposed. Compared with the classical Logistic model, the model adds the influence of government behavior on the cluster capacity, expands the cluster capacity, and improves the goodness of fit of the model. The model achieves good results in the empirical analysis of the electronic information industry cluster in Jiangsu Province. The innovation of this paper lies in the establishment of the co-agglomeration Logistic model based on ecological theory, and the application of system dynamics to depict the evolution of industrial cluster. The industrial cluster system is divided into three subsystems: talent, capital and technology. The relationship between each variable is abstracted into mathematical formula, and the simulation model is obtained, and the validity analysis and sensitivity test of the model are carried out. The simulation results and the curves fitted by Logistic model are all S-shaped curves, which shows that the system dynamics model in this paper can describe the change of agglomeration effect in each stage of industrial cluster evolution, and has strong simulation ability. At the same time, the analysis of the results of the model can provide scientific advice for the government to assist the rapid and healthy development of the cluster.
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