[Abstract]:Since China's entry into WTO, the rapid development of China's foreign trade has become one of the important driving forces for China's economic take-off. However, under the influence of trade barriers, currency appreciation pressure, inflation pressure and the world financial crisis, China's long-term "export-oriented" trade development strategy has gradually gone away. No matter from the development experience or the policy needs of the post-financial crisis era, China should attach importance to the economic growth effect of import trade from the development strategy. Many studies show that import trade can directly or indirectly promote economic growth in many aspects, such as increasing supply and creating demand. The impact of import trade on economic growth varies with different resource endowments. China has a vast territory, and the level of economic development of various provinces and cities varies greatly. Therefore, in a relatively specific region, under relatively stable economic and policy conditions, the relationship between import trade and economic growth in a region is studied. More in line with the actual situation of a region, more conducive to the economic development of a region to provide a reliable basis. Statistics show that the per capita GDP of Hebei Province is lower than the national average in 2012, and the total import trade ranked 10th in the whole country, which is inconsistent with its status as a big economic province, a big coastal open province and a hinterland around the Bohai Sea. Therefore, this paper focuses on the relationship between Hebei import trade and economic growth. On the basis of deep research on relevant trade theory and domestic and foreign empirical cases, this paper first analyzes the mechanism and conditions of import trade affecting economic growth. Secondly, the correlation between import trade and economic growth in Hebei Province is measured, including the contribution of import trade to economic growth, the total import volume, the structure of import commodities, the regression analysis of the correlation between import trade structure and economic growth. Thirdly, by constructing the simultaneous equation model, this paper empirically analyzes the mechanism of Hebei import trade influencing economic growth from the perspective of the effect of import trade on effective demand. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, combined with the actual situation of Hebei import trade, this paper puts forward four countermeasures and suggestions on the development of Hebei import trade.
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