[Abstract]:Taking the Chinese industrial sector as the research object, based on the input-output technology, the carbon emission models driven by demand and supply are constructed, and the carbon distance between the industrial sectors is measured by the (APL) index of the average propagation length of carbon. Measure the carbon sweep effect in the industrial sector, and distinguish the backward carbon APL and the forward carbon APL to identify the carbon sweep chain in the industrial sector. The empirical analysis shows that the secondary industry is the largest producer of carbon emissions from energy consumption in China, with carbon emissions of up to 1.65136884 billion t, accounting for 98.23% of the carbon emissions of the entire industrial sector. In particular, the manufacturing of coking chemical and metal products and the production and supply of electric gas and water accounted for 87.52% of the total. Among them, the carbon emission intensity of the production and supply industry of electric gas and water was the largest, which was 2.123t/ 10,000 yuan. The average value and standard deviation of backward carbon APL and forward carbon APL in different sectors are calculated and compared. The results show that the forward carbon APL is large and dispersed, indicating that under the policy background of "demand-driven economy", The carbon sweep effect under the demand-driven effect is more significant than that under the supply-driven effect. By further identifying the carbon supply industry and the carbon demand industry in various sectors, it is found that the carbon sweep chain of the industrial system presents a complex mesh structure rather than a single linear chain. The machinery and equipment manufacturing industry and the coking chemical and metal products manufacturing industry are located at the upstream of the carbon wave and chain, the extractive industry and the power gas and water production and supply sectors are located at the end of the carbon wave and chain, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, textile, leather, wood and paper manufacturing, Food manufacturing and tobacco processing, transportation, warehousing and postal services are interlinked and spread, transferring and absorbing carbon emissions. Therefore, the smooth implementation of the energy conservation and emission reduction work in the industrial sector must carry out scientific planning from the overall perspective of the industrial system, and clearly recognize the functions and roles of various industrial sectors in the industrial carbon sweep chain. Promote collaborative emission reduction between the sector itself and other sectors through vertical and horizontal communication and concurrence.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学财经学院;江苏大学管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“基于非期望产出率熵变的产业系统减排机理及碳减排差别责任研究”(编号:71173094) 全国统计科研计划一般项目“动态关联视角下产业部门低碳生产链演化及减排责任研究”(编号:2013LY122) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目“基于碳关联视角的产业系统碳减排差别责任研究”(编号:CXLX12_0683) 江苏大学高级人才科研启动项目“碳减排约束下经济内生增长最优路径研究”(编号:12JDG009)
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