[Abstract]:The rural culture and landscape of Qiang nationality is the core of the intangible cultural heritage of Qiang nationality. The sustainable development of the original ecological villages and towns of the Qiang nationality is a comprehensive and systematic project, which involves interdisciplinary research. Its development should follow the basic strategy of sustainable development, based on economic sustainability and environmental sustainability. Social sustainability is the fundamental goal. With the acceleration of urbanization in Qiang area after Wenchuan earthquake, the sustainable development of the original ecological villages and towns of Qiang nationality faces the challenges such as the degradation of space environment, the loss of educational and human resources, the decline of rural areas, the difficulty of employment of migrant residents and so on. The new urbanization policy brings new opportunities for the sustainable development of the original ecological villages and towns in Qiang nationality area. Taking Qugu Township of Mao County as an example, this paper puts forward that the inheritance, protection and sustainable development of the original ecological Qiang villages and towns should take measures to maintain the space environment of their development and build modern Qiang villages and towns that are livable. We will develop eco-agriculture and local industries with local characteristics and adhere to measures such as giving priority to education.
【作者单位】: 成都学院外国语学院;西南民族大学外国语学院;
【基金】:四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地羌学研究中心项目“羌族地方文化保护传承及译介推广研究”(qxy1205 四川省教育厅四川师范大学基础教育课程研究中心外语课程研究中心“四川羌族少数民族地区基础英语教育促进地方可持续发展研究”(JCWYKC201206)成果之一
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