[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of China's new industrialization and urbanization, optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure and changing the mode of economic development have become the prerequisite for China's economy to maintain a good and rapid development. The total demand of the market determines the development speed of each industry, and the different development speed of each industry makes the industrial structure have its own rules of change, so the change of the industrial structure is determined by the total demand of the market. The total demand of the market is divided into three aspects: consumption, investment and net export. According to the influence of the three factors on economic development, the net export demand has little effect on the consumption of foreign residents because of its direct effect on the consumption of foreign residents. The short-term impact of investment demand on economy is obvious, but in essence, investment demand is caused by consumer demand, and can be influenced by the outside world, fluctuating greatly, so it is not the sustained motive force of economic growth; Consumer demand has a certain degree of rigidity, is not easily influenced by the outside world, and has a sustained driving effect on economic growth, so consumer demand plays a major role in the three. It is the real and lasting power of economic growth and industrial structure optimization and upgrading. During the 35 years of reform and opening up, Hunan Province's economic construction has made great achievements, and its total economic output has been improved, playing an important role in the economic development of the central part of Hunan Province. Hunan Province's economic development has gradually transitioned to the consumption-oriented stage. Therefore, optimizing resident consumption structure has become the premise of promoting economic growth and industrial structure adjustment and upgrading. Based on this point, this paper analyzes the relationship between consumption structure and industrial structure of Hunan Province. On the basis of the existing research, through theoretical analysis and empirical research, this paper concludes that the current situation of Hunan Province residents consumption structure and industrial structure is in a basic harmonious state, therefore, to promote the economic growth of Hunan Province is good and fast. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the industrial structure reasonably to adapt to the change of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents, and to expand the resident consumption to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure.
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