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发布时间:2019-05-16 11:34
【摘要】:近年来,我国居民的收入差距有所加大,分配格局失衡导致部分社会财富向少数人集中,收入差距已经超过基尼系数标志的警戒“红线”。不少专家提出,当前我国收入分配已经走到亟须调整的“十字路口”,缩小贫富差距、解决分配不公问题十分迫切。收入分配是一个关系国计民生的大问题,它不仅关系到每个人的切身利益,更关系到经济社会的健康发展,收入分配问题的研究对我国经济平稳较快增长、实现全体人民共享发展成果及构建社会主义和谐社会都有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文基于对马克思收入分配理论的梳理,,阐述了马克思主义收入分配理论在我国的创新与发展,为解决我国收入分配问题提供了理论依据;文中运用实证分析与规范分析相结合的方法,通过详实数据对城乡之间收入差距、区域之间收入差距、行业之间收入差距及企业内部职工收入差距进行了说明,并在此基础上进一步采用基尼系数、库兹涅茨比率以及部分辅助性指标综合分析了我国个人收入分配的现状。 针对初次分配秩序混乱、税收制度不健全、社会保障发展滞后等众多原因导致我国收入分配差距拉大,本文从马克思按劳分配理论、剩余价值分配理论、公平正义理论及其“重建个人所有制”思想的角度,提出缩小我国收入分配差距、改善收入分配不公现状的政策建议。希望这些研究对解决我国收入分配差距问题、促进社会和平稳定能有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the income gap of the population of our country has increased, and the imbalance of the distribution pattern has led to the concentration of some social wealth to a few, and the income gap has exceeded the warning "red line" of the Gini coefficient mark. Many experts put forward that the current income distribution in our country has come to the "crossroad" of the urgent need to adjust, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and solve the problem of unfair distribution. Income distribution is a big problem of the people's livelihood in a relationship. It is not only related to the vital interests of everyone, but also to the healthy development of the economy and society, and the study of the problem of income distribution has a steady and rapid economic growth in our country. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to realize the sharing and development of all the people and to build a harmonious socialist society. Based on the analysis of Marx's theory of income distribution, this paper expounds the innovation and development of Marxism's income distribution theory in China, and provides a theoretical basis for solving the problem of China's income distribution. In that method, the income gap between the urban and rural areas, the income gap between the regions, the income gap between the industry and the income gap of the internal staff of the enterprise are explained through the detailed data, and the chini system is further adopted. The present situation of personal income distribution in our country is analyzed comprehensively by the ratio of Kuznets and some of the auxiliary indexes. In view of the confusion of the initial distribution order, the imperfection of the tax system and the lag of social security development, the income distribution gap in our country is widening. This paper is based on the theory of labor distribution, the theory of the distribution of surplus value, the theory of equity and justice and the thought of the "individual ownership". From the point of view, it is proposed to narrow the income distribution gap in our country and to improve the state of income distribution and inequality. We hope that these studies will help to resolve the gap in our country's income distribution and to promote social peace and stability.


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