[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization and the deepening of globalization, in order to obtain agglomeration economy, a large number of elements continue to flow to a small number of mega-cities, making these cities expand further. At the same time, many mega-city governments have formulated multicenter space strategy, but the implementation effect is not ideal. In this regard, scholars of regional science and urban economics began to pay attention to two issues: first, in urban areas, the economy should mainly focus on its core area or disperse into multiple centers; second, with the continuous growth of the scale of the central city, how to adjust its internal structure to reduce the negative impact of excessive agglomeration density. Some theoretical studies have begun to focus on the construction of endophytic models formed by subcenters and to test the equilibrium conditions of urban spatial structures. Most studies have come to the conclusion that with the expansion of urban scale, the rising agglomeration cost derived from congestion will gradually exceed the benefits of agglomeration economy, and may eventually promote the evolution of single-center structure to multi-center structure. However, the focus of these theoretical studies is to construct the endophytic model of urban space and test the equilibrium conditions of urban spatial structure, which can not be directly used for empirical test and comparison. Therefore, the conclusion is often fuzzy and pure theoretical. Just as the optimal urban size-sample, it is still a Sphinx mystery in reality. Therefore, some scholars directly from the empirical point of view, looking for the empirical law. These empirical studies can usually be divided into metropolitan internal spatial research and urban regional research. From different scales and perspectives, the economic performance of multicenter structure is concerned, and the conclusions are not the same. Under this background, this paper makes an empirical test of the internal structure and urban regional structure of 31 metropolitan areas in China, and finds out some laws: the optimal spatial structure is not fixed, but varies with the change of research scale, population size and other factors. The implementation of multicenter structure is the most effective in the spatial range of the central city and its suburbs of the mega-city. In the area of mega-city with administrative division as the boundary, the economy should be moderately concentrated in the central city, and too much emphasis on the scale of the suburbs or suburbs is disadvantageous to the whole urban area. On a larger scale, such as regions and countries, the new economic geography school holds that multicenter structures can be formed conditional. There are three reasons why the multicenter strategy in practice can not achieve the desired effect: first, most theoretical models are based on the assumption of free market mechanism, which is quite different from reality; second, the economic performance of multicenter structure depends on some external factors, such as the balance of occupation and housing, if these problems are not properly solved, the advantages of multicenter structure may not be brought into play; Third, the multicenter structure is not effective on all scales, and the multicenter strategy in reality is often not strictly demonstrated. In view of the above problems, the government should give full play to its role, create a policy environment conducive to the healthy and scientific development of urban spatial structure, and maximize the overall performance of the city.
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