发布时间:2018-01-08 19:28
本文关键词:地铁盾构隧道下穿宁启铁路的变形影响规律及控制技术 出处:《隧道建设》2015年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 南京地铁 铁路 桥涵 路基 盾构 地基加固 监测
【摘要】:地铁隧道在下穿既有铁路时,保证其安全运营是施工中的关键问题之一。为保证南京地铁S8线某段盾构隧道下穿宁启铁路桥涵的安全,通过建立FLAC三维数值模型进行计算分析,并将监测结果和计算结果进行对比分析,得出以下结论:1)盾构下穿期间,在对地层进行水泥注浆、加固土体的同时,还应加强同步注浆和二次注浆,设定施工控制区域,并将盾构施工参数精确到每一环。2)地层加固前后的地表变形规律,采取加固措施可以将地铁下穿带来的铁路沉降影响降至0.7 mm。3)根据现场情况制定了地表变形监测方案。结果显示,路基地表沉降较之桥涵沉降值显著一些,但仍处于安全范围之内。
[Abstract]:In the subway tunnel beneath the existing railway, to ensure its safe operation is one of the key problems in the construction. In order to ensure a section of shield tunnel in Nanjing Metro Line S8 in Ningqi railway bridge safety, through calculation and analysis of three-dimensional numerical model is established in FLAC, and the monitoring results and calculation results were compared and analyzed, the the following conclusions: 1) shield Under-passing during the cement grouting to reinforce the soil strata, at the same time, we should strengthen the synchronous grouting and two grouting, setting the construction control area, and each ring.2 is accurate to shield construction parameters) deformation of ground surface before and after reinforcement strata, reinforcement measures can be put in railway the subway under the settlement influence to 0.7 mm.3) according to the situation of developing a monitoring program of surface deformation. The results showed that the subgrade surface settlement than the settlement value of bridge was, but still in the safe range.
【作者单位】: 中铁七局集团西安工程公司;西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院;
【正文快照】: 0引言南京地铁S8线需要下穿既有宁启铁路高填方路基和桥涵,为保证盾构下穿期间的既有铁路安全,需要对其展开研究,制定可靠的安全措施。文献[1-4]指出,新建隧道开挖后首先引起隧道周围地层应力的变化,隧道周围土体产生变形和破坏,随隧道的不断开挖所影响的范围也不断扩大,最终
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