本文关键词:设内隔板正交异性钢桥面板足尺模型疲劳试验 出处:《钢结构》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 正交异性钢桥面板 疲劳试验 疲劳强度 内隔板
【摘要】:针对U肋内侧增设内隔板的构造形式,开展正交异性钢桥面板足尺模型的静力及疲劳试验,分析内隔板对正交异性钢桥面板连接细节的力学性能及疲劳强度的改善。试验结果表明:内隔板对U肋与横隔板开孔根部连接位置的应力集中改善明显,对其他易发生疲劳破坏的连接细节应力水平亦有所改善,静力分析数值模型计算结果与静力试验结果吻合;常幅疲劳加载至230万次时,在U肋腹板位置发现3条明显的顺桥向裂纹,以距离焊趾10 mm位置的测点应力下降作为判断疲劳破坏的依据,无内隔板U肋腹板连接处疲劳强度高于Eurocode 3和AASHTO所规定的疲劳强度,而受焊接初始缺陷的影响,增加内隔板后U肋腹板连接处疲劳强度高于Eurocode 3而低于AASHTO中所规定的疲劳强度;U肋与横隔板开孔根部的焊缝质量对疲劳裂纹的产生和发展影响显著。
[Abstract]:The static and fatigue tests of the full-scale model of orthotropic steel bridge face are carried out in view of the structural form of the internal partition on the inner side of the U-rib. The mechanical properties and fatigue strength of the plate of orthotropic steel bridge are analyzed. The experimental results show that the stress concentration of the joint between U rib and transverse diaphragm is improved obviously. The stress level of other joints which are prone to fatigue failure is also improved, and the calculated results of the static analysis numerical model are in agreement with the static test results. When the fatigue load reaches 2.3 million times, three obvious longitudinal cracks are found in the U-rib web. The stress drop at the measuring point 10 mm from the weld toe is taken as the basis for judging the fatigue failure. The fatigue strength at the joint of U-rib web without internal partition is higher than that specified by Eurocode 3 and AASHTO, but is affected by the initial welding defects. The fatigue strength of U-rib web joint was higher than that of Eurocode 3 and lower than that of AASHTO. The weld quality at the root of the open hole between U rib and transverse diaphragm has a significant effect on the generation and development of fatigue crack.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学土木工程与力学学院;中铁大桥勘测设计院集团有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51108204) 中央高校基本科研业务费课题(2016YXMS095)
【正文快照】: 正交异性钢桥面板由于其具有自重轻、施工周期短、极限承载力高等特点[1],近年来在大跨度桥梁尤其是斜拉桥和悬索桥的建设中得到广泛的应用。正交异性钢桥面板主要由桥面板、U肋和横隔板相互焊接连接而成,连接细节处应力状态复杂、残余应力大、应力集中现象严重,在承受车辆荷
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