本文关键词: 公路隧道 互补式通风 空气交换 出处:《现代隧道技术》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:针对4~7 km长隧道左右线通风负荷不平衡的问题,文章提出了一种新型的隧道通风方式——双洞互补式通风,在左右线隧道之间设置两条换气通道,在下坡隧道内设置富余的射流风机,将下坡隧道富余的新鲜空气通过换气通道送入上坡隧道,稀释上坡隧道污染物浓度;同时将上坡隧道污染空气通过横通道送入下坡隧道,降低下坡隧道内风速,从而使两条隧道内空气质量均能满足卫生标准。文章详细推导了该通风方式的设计理论和计算公式,运用公式对某隧道进行通风优化设计,利用通风网络计算风机配置规模,分析其经济效益。结果表明:采用该通风方式,可以在无需修建通风井的情况下,满足隧道内通风要求,从而减少初期投资和运营管理费用,经济效益显著。研究成果对公路隧道通风方式的选择提供了新的途径。
[Abstract]:In view of the imbalance of ventilation load in the left and right line of 4000km long tunnel, a new type of ventilation mode, double hole complementary ventilation, is put forward in this paper, and two air exchange channels are set up between the right and left tunnels. A surplus jet fan is set up in the downhill tunnel, and the surplus fresh air from the downhill tunnel is fed into the up-slope tunnel through the air exchange channel to dilute the concentration of pollutants in the downhill tunnel. At the same time, the polluted air from the up-slope tunnel is sent to the downhill tunnel through the transverse tunnel, which reduces the wind speed in the downhill tunnel. So that the air quality in the two tunnels can meet the hygienic standard. This paper deduces the design theory and calculation formula of the ventilation mode in detail, and uses the formula to optimize the ventilation design of a tunnel. The scale of fan configuration is calculated by using ventilation network, and its economic benefit is analyzed. The results show that the ventilation mode can meet the ventilation requirement in tunnel without building ventilation well. Thus, the initial investment and operation management costs are reduced, and the economic benefits are remarkable. The research results provide a new way for the selection of ventilation modes in highway tunnels.
【作者单位】: 深中通道管理中心;陕西省公路桥梁与隧道重点实验室;
【正文快照】: 1引言出了“双洞互补”的概念,但是并未给出这种通风方式的具体计算过程;张光鹏[9]等提出了空气交换法随着纵向通风技术的成熟,国内长度超过5 km的理念,分析了该方法的应用范围和设计算法。国的隧道大多采用竖井送排式纵向通风[1~3]。由于坡内外对该通风方式的研究不多,本文针
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