本文关键词: 货车称重 模拟量采集 人机交互 GPRS GPS 出处:《南京理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着现代经济和现代交通事业以及工农业的快速发展,货车广泛用于各种运输行业。通常在运输过程中,人们希望能够对货物进行实时、高精度的称重。而传统的地磅以及便携式称重仪已不能满足人们的需求。基于此,本论文设计了一套车载称重系统。本车载称重系统使用时直接安装在货车上,由称重控制器、称重传感器、倾角传感器、LCD显示器、打印机等组成。称重控制器主要由微控制器、Flash模块、SDRAM模块、GPRS模块以及GPS模块等组成,其中微控制器采用的是LPC1787FBD208。称重传感器主要用于采集车厢所受的压力,并将压力模拟量传输到微控制器经AD转换得到货物重量。然后,货物重量通过LCD显示器实时显示并保存在Flash当中。此外,本称重不仅可将货物重量通过打印机打印出来,而且也可以通过GPRS发送至监控中心。最后,本称重系统集成了 GPS模块,可实时获取货车位置。本论文在分析车载称重系统功能需求的基础上,给出了车载称重系统的整体设计,并制订了称重控制器与传感器、LCD显示器以及打印机之间的通信接口。对称重系统所用到的传感器、LCD显示器以及打印机进行选型,并对称重控制器的硬件和软件进行了设计。文中介绍了主要硬件模块的原理,并在软件设计的基础上给出了程序设计原理和系统调试结果。本车载称重系统可采用全中文菜单或全英文菜单,提供友好的人机界面。可实现货物称重、去皮、报警查看、数据打印、历史数据查询等人机交互功能。因此,本货车称重系统有较高的实用价值和良好的发展前景。目前,该称重系统已经成功应用于新加坡环卫车上,最终精度可达到0.3%。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern economy, modern transportation and industry and agriculture, freight cars are widely used in various transportation industries. High precision weighing. But the traditional weighing system and portable weighing instrument can not meet the needs of the people. Based on this, this paper designed a vehicle weighing system, which is directly installed on the truck when using the system. The weighing controller is composed of weighing controller, weighing sensor, inclination sensor, LCD display, printer and so on. The weighing controller is mainly composed of flash module and SDRAM module. The GPRS module and the GPS module are composed of the microcontroller LPC1787FBD208. the weighing sensor is mainly used to collect the pressure of the carriage. The pressure analog is transferred to the microcontroller to get the weight of the cargo through AD. Then, the weight of the cargo is displayed in real time through the LCD display and stored in the Flash. In addition. This weighing system can not only print out the weight of goods by printer, but also send it to the monitoring center through GPRS. Finally, the weighing system integrates the GPS module. The position of truck can be obtained in real time. Based on the analysis of the functional requirements of the vehicle weighing system, the overall design of the vehicle weighing system is given, and the weighing controller and sensor are developed. The communication interface between LCD display and printer. The sensor and printer used in symmetrical weight system are selected. The hardware and software of the symmetrical heavy controller are designed. The principle of the main hardware module is introduced in this paper. On the basis of software design, the principle of program design and the result of system debugging are given. The whole Chinese menu or English menu can be used in the vehicle weighing system, which can provide a friendly man-machine interface, which can realize the goods weighing and peeling. Alarm view, data printing, historical data query and other human-computer interaction functions. Therefore, the truck weighing system has a higher practical value and good development prospects. The weighing system has been successfully used in Singapore sanitation vehicle, the final accuracy can reach 0.3.
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