本文关键词: 桥梁工程 组合桥面板 推出试验 平钢板连接件 活性粉末混凝土 出处:《工程力学》2017年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:该文提出了采用平钢板剪力连接件连接的钢-RPC组合桥面板结构,该结构不仅能解决公路钢桥沥青铺装层的病害,还能有效地提高桥面横向刚度,有助于缓解U肋加劲处应力集中和疲劳开裂现象。为了掌握该组合结构界面抗剪性能,连接件板厚分别取10 mm和4 mm,进行了两组平钢板连接件的推出试验,试验考察了平钢板连接件厚度对抗剪破坏形态及承载力的影响。结果表明:平钢板厚度较小时,表现为平钢板连接件根部受拉屈服;厚度较大时表现为连接件附近混凝土被压碎,工作机理类似于型钢连接件。10 mm板厚连接件相比4 mm板厚抗剪承载力提高了43.6%,抗剪刚度提高了35%,同时延性略有下降,但两组试件的延性系数均大于3.5。最后给出了平钢板连接件的抗剪承载力简化计算公式,计算结果相比试验结果偏于安全,可供设计参考。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the steel--RPC composite bridge deck structure with flat steel plate shear connection is proposed. The structure can not only solve the problem of asphalt pavement of highway steel bridge, but also effectively improve the transverse stiffness of bridge deck. In order to grasp the shear resistance of the composite structure, the plate thickness of the joint is 10 mm and 4 mm, respectively, and two groups of flat steel plate joint are tested, which can alleviate the stress concentration and fatigue cracking at the stiffening point of U rib. The effect of the thickness of steel plate connection on shear failure and bearing capacity is investigated. The results show that when the thickness of flat steel plate is small, the tensile yield at the root of flat steel plate joint is observed. When the thickness is larger, the concrete near the joint is crushed, and the working mechanism is similar to that of the section steel connection. The shear bearing capacity of the thick plate is increased by 43.6%, the shear stiffness is increased by 35%, and the ductility is decreased slightly. However, the ductility coefficient of the two groups of specimens is greater than 3.5. Finally, a simplified formula for calculating the shear capacity of flat steel plate connectors is given. The calculated results are more safe than the test results, which can be used as a reference for design.
【作者单位】: 福州大学土木工程学院;
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