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发布时间:2018-02-26 04:01

  本文关键词: BLE 室内定位 RSSI 多边形分解 路径规划 Dijkstra算法 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing number of private cars, there have been difficulties in parking, vehicle turnover, random parking on the streets, illegal occupation of street traffic areas, and so on. It has seriously affected the traffic order and the daily life of the residents. Under the condition of limited space, the relevant departments have proposed a plan to introduce the parking lot to the ground, so as to unify the management of the users' vehicles, and broaden their horizons. Compared with the ground conditions with many references, underground parking lots have some shortcomings, such as poor lighting, poor communication quality, staggered parking spaces, complex building structure, etc. On the other hand, in the dark underground parking lot, When drivers park, it is easy to lose their way, and it is easy to appear a lot of vehicles waiting in line on the carriageway, which leads to traffic congestion at intersections. These phenomena will affect the efficiency of parking lot. Therefore, it has important practical significance and application value to provide users with indoor real time location and to plan reasonable driving routes for users according to current traffic. In view of the above problems, this paper studies the indoor positioning and route planning from two aspects: indoor positioning and route planning. The main research contents and results include the following aspects: 1) Positioning, supported by low power Bluetooth technology. A polygon decomposition indoor location algorithm based on iBeacon technology is proposed. Based on the usual indoor location algorithm, the indoor positioning accuracy is improved, and the indoor location requirement is reached. This paper is based on the classical Dijkstra algorithm. In this paper, a shortest path algorithm for underground parking is proposed, which is based on the time optimal dynamic ordering algorithm. The algorithm quantifies the weights between adjacent nodes in the traditional Dijkstra algorithm. The definition of the weight varies with traffic conditions, and the weights between adjacent nodes are transformed from static to dynamic in space. In order to better adapt to the underground garage route navigation. 3) on the basis of indoor positioning algorithm and optimal path planning algorithm, in order to verify the feasibility of the system, In this paper, the mobile phone APP is designed to obtain the current position information of the user in the room and to plan the driving path of different vehicles in the underground parking lot, and the experimental verification and analysis are carried out in the real site. It is proved that the above method is effective. The main contents and work of this paper are indoor positioning and path planning. Fast navigation of vehicles and vehicle turnaround systems-based on indoor positioning and parking navigation systems. The system can accurately locate vehicles in the parking lot. In order to find the available parking spaces, a route with the least cost in time is planned for the vehicles entering the parking lot.


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