本文选题:高纬度 切入点:多年冻土 出处:《公路工程》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:为掌握大兴安岭多年冻土地区路基工后温度变化规律,选取中俄原油管道漠大线林区伴行路典型多年冻土区路基断面,采用DS18B20温度传感器对建成通车后的路基进行为期两年的温度监测,分析研究路基温度变化、冻土年平均地温、冻土上限变化和冻土温度阴阳坡差异。结果表明:路基范围内各测温点不同深度温度随着气温发生年周期性变化,路基浅层温度变化频繁,随着深度增加,路基内温度变化幅度逐渐减小;不同深度土层最低值或最高值温度出现的时间并不一致,下部土层最低值或最高值温度出现时间明显滞后于上部土层;路基冻结时间自11月份开始,至次年的4月中旬随着大气温度的上升开始融化,冻结时间持续5个月左右;多年冻土为热极不稳定冻土类型,且在上覆路基的影响下,多年冻土产生了严重的退化现象,路基下多年冻土的年平均温度升高;在阴阳坡效应的影响下,大气温度对阳坡面路基下地温深度的影响大于阴坡面,阳坡面路基下多年冻土的年平均地温大于阴坡面,阴坡面路基下多年冻土融化时间比阳坡面的少30 d左右。研究结果旨在更有利于我国大兴安岭地区多年冻土路基稳定性问题的进一步研究,为该地区道路工程建设和维护提供参考资料。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the variation rule of embankment temperature in permafrost region of Daxing'anling Mountains, the section of roadbed in permafrost region of China and Russia crude oil pipeline is selected. The DS18B20 temperature sensor is used to monitor the embankment temperature for two years, and the variation of subgrade temperature is analyzed and studied, and the annual mean ground temperature of frozen soil is analyzed and studied. The results show that the temperature at different depths of the subgrade varies periodically with the annual temperature, the temperature of the shallow layer of the roadbed changes frequently and increases with the depth of the roadbed, the difference of the upper limit of the permafrost and the difference of the temperature of the frozen soil are different. The variation range of the temperature in the subgrade decreases gradually, the time of the lowest or the highest temperature in different depth soil is not consistent, and the time of the lowest or the highest temperature in the lower soil layer is obviously lagging behind the upper soil layer. The freezing time of roadbed began from November to middle of April of the following year, and began to melt with the rise of atmospheric temperature, and the freezing time lasted for about 5 months. The permafrost is a type of thermally unstable permafrost, and under the influence of overlying subgrade, Permafrost produces serious degradation phenomenon, the annual average temperature of permafrost increases under roadbed, and under the influence of yin-yang slope effect, the influence of atmospheric temperature on the depth of subgrade is greater than that on shady slope. The annual mean ground temperature of permafrost under the subgrade on the sunny slope is higher than that on the shady slope. The thawing time of permafrost under the subgrade of Yin slope is about 30 days less than that on the sunny slope. The results of the study aim to further study the stability of permafrost roadbed in Daxinganling region of China. To provide reference materials for road engineering construction and maintenance in this area.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学土木工程学院;
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