本文选题:冲击碾压 切入点:粉土路基 出处:《山东大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Subgrade is an important element of the road, the load passed down from the pavement, subgrade uniformity and stability of a direct impact on the use of the road performance, effective compaction can improve the strength and stability of subgrade. The subgrade compaction often uses static compaction or vibration compaction, the compaction method has advantages of compactness is uniform. Easy to control the quality of compaction, but the compaction energy is smaller, allowing the layer thickness is thin, and the construction efficiency is slow, not suitable for short period of construction project. For soil Huangfanqu, which composed of silt, silty clay, large void ratio, high water content, large compressibility. How to effectively compaction is a key and difficult problem. Compared with the traditional mechanical compaction, impact roller compaction due to its high energy, fast construction speed, low cost, high efficiency of compaction, the moisture content of a large range of allowed, At the same time there are still a reinforcing effect on soil compaction layer below, it is more and more used in road engineering. Due to the impact compaction technology started late, especially seldom used in subgrade construction in flood area, construction parameters, dynamic stress propagation and reinforcement mechanism is not clear, serious impact on the further study with the development of technology. Based on the ongoing construction of the Ji'nan Dongying expressway, through laboratory soil test, field test, numerical simulation, the characteristics of the soil subgrade filling of the flood area, silt subgrade impact compaction effect, dynamic stress distribution and its mechanism are analyzed, the recommended process parameters for in the layered Subgrade Huangfanqu impact compaction, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) through the comparative analysis of 4 different paving thickness of silt subgrade impact compaction effect, the silt impact compaction for use The embankment area, and is not suitable for roadbed, and suitable water content range can be relaxed. According to the different thickness of the last 5 times, desirable compaction after rolling increments less than 1% corresponding to the rolling times as effective compaction time. (2) according to the principle of economic efficiency, recommend the silt subgrade of Yellow River shock compaction parameters: for YCT-25 type impact roller, the best paving thickness is 0.8m, allowing the moisture content range can be extended to op-5% = Omega omega = Omega op+4%, optimal rolling speed is 10-12km/h, the most suitable rolling times for 20 times. (3) the impact load with instantaneous, continuous two times the impact of dynamic stress was not overlapped, the peak value of the dynamic stress along the depth direction has a lag; loose pavement impact compaction process of subgrade subgrade within a certain depth at the position of the dynamic stress was increased first and then decreased with the increase of the peak force of impact rolling times; impact Click on both sides of the depth position of dynamic stress along the longitudinal direction is approximately symmetrical, the impact point before the dynamic stress is larger than the impact point of the dynamic stress; soil vertical dynamic stress, lateral stress and vertical displacement along the depth direction showed a similar variation, and there were obvious turning point. The inflection point of the same variable are basically the same, and puts forward the soil compaction dynamic simplified model of internal force distribution; for YCT-25 type of impact roller, the theory of influence depth is about 3.7m, the radial effective range is about lm. (4) impact compaction process of silt in the macro can be divided into 4 a stage, namely loose soil stage (energy absorption), soil compaction stage (energy transfer), plate formation stage (diffusion energy), plate down stage (loosening area thickness); at the micro level can be roughly divided into three stages, namely the input dynamic load, vibration propagation and transport medium The research results obtained., for the impact compaction of Subgrade of the relevant standards, norms established to provide practical engineering data, provide the basis for the selection of Yellow River silt impact compaction of subgrade construction process parameters, theoretical research and contribute to the development of impact rolling technology, has significant engineering significance and social and economic benefit. The prospect is very broad.
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