本文选题:下承式拱桥 切入点:上承式拱桥 出处:《湖南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Arch structure and cable structure are widely used in bridge engineering to improve the span ability of bridge. Arch structure is mainly used in arch composite bridge. The arch composite bridge studied in this paper is a through arch bridge composed of arch ribs, suspenders or columns, and main beams. The cable structure is widely used in cable-stayed bridges, and the cable-stayed beam structure is the basic element of cable-stayed bridges. In order to study the in-plane natural vibration characteristics of three kinds of arch bridges and cable-stayed girder structures, According to their boundary conditions and continuity conditions, a detailed dynamic modeling theory of arch bridge and cable-stayed beam is presented in this paper. The eigenvalue problem is solved by transfer matrix method. According to the characteristics of the through arch bridge and ignoring the quality of the suspenders, the mechanical model of the through arch bridge is simplified into a composite system of arch spring and beam. Based on the boundary condition, the mechanical model of the through arch bridge is simplified. By using Hamiltonian principle, the governing differential equation of in-plane free vibration of arched spring-boom composite system is derived, and its eigenvalue problem is solved by transfer matrix method. In order to verify the accuracy of the theory and method proposed in this paper, The finite element model of the through arch bridge is established by using the finite element software ANSYS. Finally, the mechanical model of the through arch bridge is simplified by using the theory and method of this paper and the parameter analysis of the in-plane free vibration characteristics of the through arch bridge. The theory and method are applied to the study of the in-plane natural vibration characteristics of the upper arch bridge and the middle through arch bridge. The finite element software ANSYS is used to verify its applicability. Finally, the in-plane natural vibration characteristics of the upper arch bridge and the middle through arch bridge are analyzed by using the theory and method in this paper. By comparing and analyzing the in-plane free vibration characteristics of three arch bridges, the modeling theory of the in-plane free vibration of CFRP cable-stayed beam is established from the aspects of whether or not to consider the cable sag. When considering the cable sag, the dynamic balance of the micro-element is considered. The governing differential equations of cable and in-plane free vibration in cable-stayed beams are established. According to the boundary conditions and continuity conditions, the characteristic equations of in-plane free vibration of cable-stayed beams with sag are obtained. The vibration of cable and beam in cable-stayed beam is described by using the theory of tensioning string and Euler beam vibration respectively. According to the dynamic equilibrium condition and boundary condition of cable and beam bond, The characteristic equations of free vibration in plane of cable-stayed beams without sag are obtained by transfer matrix method. Both methods are dimensionless and their accuracy is verified by finite element software ANSYS. Finally, the parameter analysis of the in-plane free vibration of the cable-stayed beam is carried out. A general simplified dynamic model (arch-spring-beam combination system) and modeling theory for the free vibration characteristics of the whole deck of three through arch bridges, Moreover, the dynamic modeling theory of cable-stayed beam is presented by using the simple theory of tension string and Euler beam vibration, considering the boundary condition and continuity condition. It can also reflect the in-plane free vibration characteristics of three kinds of arch bridges and cable-stayed beams in engineering practice. The final parameter analysis can provide some references for the construction of three kinds of arch bridges and cable-stayed beams.
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