本文选题:路基工程 切入点:桩承式加筋路堤 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年S1期
[Abstract]:In order to reflect the influence of layer distribution and strain difference of multi-layer reinforced material on pile-supported reinforced embankment, based on the assumption of soil arch shape and strain distribution of reinforced material, Based on the limit equilibrium theory and the assumption of concentric circular two-dimensional soil arch model, the calculation formula of load-sharing ratio of pile body on reinforcement is derived, and then the grid deformation between caps is assumed to be arc curve. Considering the contribution of the grid deformation on the cap to the grid strain between the caps, the calculation formula of the grid strain is derived, which is more suitable for the structural characteristics of the large pile cap with sparse piles. Furthermore, the additional stress of earth pressure and soil stress between piles is used to calculate the bottom grid deflection, and an arbitrary layer grid deflection expression with the bottom grid deflection as independent variable is proposed. Finally, according to the grid strain calculation of the grid tension and its vertical component, a formula for calculating the load-sharing ratio of the pile body under the bars considering the effect of the grid tension film transfer is obtained. This method can be applied to the single-layer and non-single-layer reinforced pile reinforced embankment. The calculated value is in good agreement with the measured value.
【作者单位】: 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室;广西交通投资集团有限公司;
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