发布时间:2018-04-05 22:41
本文选题:斜曲梁桥 切入点:板式橡胶支座 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来高速公路建设和城市道路交通得到了快速发展,由于受到地形、地况的影响,斜梁桥和曲线梁桥这种桥型也被广泛地采纳。板式橡胶支座由于其构造简单、加工制作方便、成本低廉的优势在这些桥梁中广泛使用。但是斜梁桥和曲线梁桥的力学特性和直线梁桥的力学特性差别较大,它们都存在弯扭耦合等效应,这些效应对桥梁都会产生不利影响,在施工及运营过程中受各种因素的影响会出现支座脱空、梁体偏位等问题,严重影响了桥梁的安全运营。本文依托新疆维吾尔自治区交通厅科技项目《桥梁支座检测评估及更换技术研究》,对斜梁桥和曲线梁桥板式橡胶支座设计原则和病害的防治措施进行研究。文章介绍了国内外橡胶支座的设计原则以及斜梁桥和曲线梁桥的受力特点,然后选取依托工程中的两座桥为研究对象,利用有限元软件Midas civil建立全桥模型,分析斜曲梁桥中板式橡胶支座的受力性能,并研究各影响因素对橡胶支座受力性能的影响程度和可能导致的支座病害。得到了斜曲梁桥中板式橡胶支座的不利受力后,利用有限元软件Ansys和规范计算方法对支座内部的应力水平进行分析,研究板式橡胶支座劣化原因,确定支座内部应力分布状况和各类病害的发生机理,为板式橡胶支座各种病害提供可靠的防治、处理措施。最后结合有限元计算结果和板式橡胶支座病害成因,从设计方面、施工方面、运营方面对斜曲梁桥的板式橡胶支座提出具体的防治措施和应对策略,以此提高橡胶支座的使用寿命,也确保了桥梁的安全运营。
[Abstract]:In recent years, highway construction and urban road traffic have been developed rapidly. Due to the influence of terrain and ground conditions, inclined beam bridge and curved beam bridge have been widely adopted.Plate rubber bearing is widely used in these bridges because of its simple structure, convenient processing and low cost.However, the mechanical properties of skew beam bridge and curved beam bridge are different from that of straight beam bridge, and they all have the effects of bending and torsional coupling, which will have adverse effects on the bridge.In the process of construction and operation, various factors will affect the bridge safety operation, such as support detachment, beam deflection and so on.Based on the scientific and technological project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region Department of Communications, "study on Detection, Evaluation and replacement Technology of Bridge supports", this paper studies the design principles and prevention measures of slab rubber bearings for inclined girder bridges and curved girder bridges.This paper introduces the design principle of rubber bearing at home and abroad and the stress characteristics of inclined beam bridge and curved beam bridge. Then two bridges in the project are selected as the research object, and the full bridge model is established by using the finite element software Midas civil.The mechanical behavior of plate rubber bearing in skew curved beam bridge is analyzed, and the influence of various factors on the mechanical performance of rubber bearing and the possible bearing diseases are studied.After obtaining the unfavorable force of the plate rubber bearing in the skew curved beam bridge, the stress level inside the support was analyzed by using the finite element software Ansys and the standard calculation method, and the causes of the deterioration of the plate rubber bearing were studied.The stress distribution inside the bearing and the occurrence mechanism of various kinds of diseases are determined to provide reliable prevention and treatment measures for various diseases of plate rubber bearings.Finally, combining the result of finite element calculation and the cause of the plate rubber bearing disease, from the aspects of design, construction and operation, the paper puts forward concrete prevention measures and countermeasures to the plate rubber bearing of skew curved girder bridge.So as to improve the service life of rubber bearings, but also to ensure the safe operation of the bridge.
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