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发布时间:2018-04-16 18:00

  本文选题:行人过街 + 风险评估 ; 参考:《苏州科技学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Pedestrian crossing at signalized intersection is one of the important causes of pedestrian accidents in China.How to avoid pedestrian crossing and reduce the risk of pedestrian crossing has become an urgent problem of traffic safety.In the past researches on pedestrian crossing are mainly focused on the study of pedestrian traffic behavior characteristics or the severity of pedestrian-vehicle conflict.Through the field traffic investigation, this study analyzes the characteristics of pedestrian crossing, studies the risk factors affecting pedestrian violations, analyzes the risk probability of pedestrian crossing, and then evaluates the risk of pedestrian crossing.First of all, using the theory of planning behavior, a questionnaire survey was conducted on pedestrians crossing the street.The behavior and psychological characteristics of pedestrian crossing were analyzed, and the risk of pedestrian crossing was identified.Secondly, through the field investigation of typical signalized intersection, the pedestrian crossing data are obtained, and the risk factors of pedestrian crossing are analyzed from three aspects: traffic condition, road environment and crossing facilities.Through the Pearson correlation analysis with pedestrian traffic violation rate, the significant risk factors affecting pedestrian violation rate were extracted, and the pedestrian crossing violation rate model was established.Finally, the survival analysis method is used to analyze the maximum waiting time for pedestrians to cross the street, and by establishing the COX proportional risk model, the risk degree of pedestrian crossing is quantitatively analyzed, and the risk probability of pedestrians crossing the street under different circumstances is analyzed.By evaluating the risk of pedestrians crossing the street in signalized intersections, it is useful for guiding the planning and design of intersections and optimizing the signal matching, and the reasonable allocation of space and time resources of pedestrian traffic can be used as a practical reference.


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