本文选题:高速列车 + 隧道 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Because the space formed by the train and the tunnel is asymmetric, the flow caused by the high-speed train running in the double-track tunnel is naturally asymmetric, which makes the unsteady aerodynamic load acting on the tunnel wall and the surface of the train body naturally different. Finally, the lateral vibration of the train in the tunnel is aggravated, which endangers the comfort and stability of the train, so it is necessary to study the external flow field of the train in the tunnel. Based on the German ICE2 and domestic CRH380A high-speed train models, three different numerical simulation methods, RANS URANS and les, are used in this paper. According to the flow characteristics, a more reasonable mesh generation strategy is adopted. A computational fluid dynamics software STAR-CDbased on finite volume method is used to simulate the unsteady flow field outside a high-speed train in a tunnel. Considering the limitation of computational resources and time, the external Reynolds number of the unsteady flow field inside and outside the tunnel studied in this paper is 51 ~ 10 ~ 10. Through the numerical simulation of the external flow field of the ICE2 high-speed train in the double-track tunnel, the calculation and analysis method of the large eddy simulation study is established, which provides a certain technical reference for the follow-up study of the large eddy simulation of the CRH380A high-speed train. By analyzing the pressure cloud diagram, vorticity diagram, vorticity isoline, Q value of flow field, lateral force coefficient and lift coefficient of typical section of the flow field, the ICE2 train model is given when it is running in the tunnel. The distribution of the pressure on the surface and around the train and the position and development of the vortex structure. Then, according to the numerical simulation experience of the ICE2 model, the external flow field in the CRH380A high-speed train tunnel is studied numerically. By analyzing the pressure cloud diagram, vorticity diagram, vorticity isoline, Q value of flow field, lateral force coefficient and lift coefficient of typical section of the flow field, the CRH380A train model is given when it is running in the tunnel. The distribution of the pressure on and around the train and the position and development law of the vortex structure are obtained. Finally, the results of the three numerical simulation methods are compared and analyzed, and the optimal numerical simulation method is obtained. In this paper, the external flow field of ICE2 high-speed train and CRH380A high-speed train in tunnel are numerically simulated, and the results and rules can be used as the basis of unsteady research of high-speed train. At the same time, it can also provide some reference for the design and operation of high-speed train.
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