pings theory ofbuilding a socialism with Chinese characteristics gradually, and under theguidance of this theory, have already made the great achievement ofworld interest in reform and opening-up of China and socialistmodernization drive. Today, the world history enters 21 st century, Chinahas been already with its strong economic strength and enormousdevelopment potentiality, stand erect in the national forest of the world hasinjected limitless life and vigor into development of the internationaleconomy.
In the face of the great situation with vigorous politics of socialismwith Chinese characteristics, economy, we cant help asking too whileglad for the prosperous scene in the motherland: What is the meaning ofthe socialism with Chinese characteristics on earth? Why do we take tohave socialist roads of distinct Chinese characteristics? How theCommunist Party of China is to lead the Chinese people to explore thathave the socialist road of distinct Chinese characteristics, which realisticmeanings there are the socialist road of distinct Chinesecharacteristicses?This text will answer on the question of the aforesaid.
The full text divides into four major parts altogether.
First part: Meaning of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The meaning question of the socialism with Chinese characteristics isto build the basic problem with primary socialism, it is starting point andfoothold of Deng Xiaoping Theory too, but still there is a lot of fuzzyunderstanding on this problem for many years in academia. This text thinks,though the socialism of the socialism with chainese characteristics andMarxs mode belong to communist ideological systems together, allregarding Marxism as guidelines, there are its common places in essence,but different from Marxist socialism; Meanwhile, though the socialismwith Chinese characteristics utilized the favorable factor of capitalism,some countries to use the capitalism are strong, but not the capitalism withChinese characteristics, it is the present stage is at our country and atprimary stage of socialism for a long time as the starting point, study howto build the socialist theory in primary stage, planted in the socialism onthe Chinese land, it is a correct theory of suiting Chinas socialproductivity development level.
Second part: Historical necessity chosen in socialist road of thedistinct Chinese characteristics.
China does not have it according to the universal law of the humansocial development, but jump developed capitalist period and go on thesocialist road from the semi-colony,semi-feudal society, there is itshistorical necessity. This text thinks:First of all, socialism has replacedcapitalism and solved the capitalist large-scale social production andindividual created and occupied the contradiction while makin ……(未完,全文共9293字,当前只显示3729字,请阅读下面提示信息。)