本文选题:海堤渗压 + 非稳定渗流 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Seawall engineering plays a positive role in maintaining the safety of coastal areas, ensuring the production and life of the people in the embankment, and promoting the economic development in the embankment. With the advance of seawall engineering management, strengthening the safety monitoring of seawall and studying the working state of seawall become the important work content of ensuring the safety of seawall. The distribution of seepage pressure has an important effect on the safe operation of the seawall. Based on the actual monitoring data, the distribution of seepage pressure in the sea embankment under the changing tide level is studied in this paper. Under the influence of rapidly changing tide level, the seepage pressure of seawall is also changing rapidly. In view of the influence of the rapidly changing seepage field, it is very important to analyze the unsteady seepage of the seawall. Based on the principle of continuity of water flow and Darcy's law, this paper studies the basic differential governing equation for unsteady seepage of seawall, and analyzes the finite element analysis method of unsteady seepage of seawall according to variational principle. Based on the similarity of thermal analysis and seepage analysis of ANSYS finite element software, the seepage pressure distribution of seawall is obtained by iterative calculation with ANSYS software. It lays a foundation for reasonable analysis of seepage pressure of seawall. The traditional methods of obtaining permeability coefficient mainly include field test method and indoor test method. With the development of monitoring technology and calculation and analysis method, inversion analysis is widely used to obtain permeability coefficient. In this paper, numerical optimization inversion method and neural network parameter identification method are used to inverse the permeability coefficient of seawall, respectively. Numerical optimization inversion method is used to construct the least-square objective function about seawall permeability coefficient by using actual monitored seepage time series and simulated seepage pressure time series, and then gradually reducing the scope of permeability coefficient by means of stepwise scanning method. Finally, the optimal seawall permeability coefficient is obtained by iterative optimization using conjugate gradient algorithm. Neural network can effectively establish the mapping relationship between seepage pressure time series and permeability coefficient of seawall points. In this paper, the network samples are obtained by numerical simulation technique, and then trained by improved BP neural network. The parameter identification model of seepage time series and permeability coefficient of seawall is constructed. Finally, the permeability coefficient of seawall can be calculated by using the measured seepage pressure time series in the trained neural network. The osmotic coefficients obtained by the two methods are numerically simulated and compared with the measured osmotic time series. It is found that the average relative error between the simulated osmotic pressure timing and the measured osmotic pressure time series is smaller. The curve amplitude and variation law are well fitted, which shows that the seepage coefficient of seawall can be obtained effectively by using numerical optimization inversion method and neural network parameter identification method, which provides an important basis for revealing the distribution of seepage pressure of seawall. Through the study of the two inversion methods, it is found that the numerical optimization inversion method is developed around the finite element analysis program, and its thinking is clear and simple and operable. The neural network parameter identification method constructs the connection information between osmotic pressure and permeability coefficient in the connection weight value of the network and can effectively reverse the permeability coefficient when a certain number of samples are obtained. The inversion result is ideal and stable. It has good application prospect.
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