本文选题:单箱双室箱梁 + 竖向弯曲 ; 参考:《建筑结构学报》2017年07期
[Abstract]:In order to study the stress characteristics of single box and double chamber box girder under symmetrical vertical load, the local torsional effect of symmetrical bending of single box and double chamber box girder is analyzed based on the principle of load equivalence and load decomposition of cross section. The equivalent loads and stresses of local torsion are obtained based on the shear flow equilibrium of the section and the stress decomposition of the chamber. By comparing with the results of model test and finite element simulation of organic glass, the correctness of the local torsional effect is verified, and the stress distribution of single-box and double-chamber simply supported box girder is obtained under the local torsional effect. The results show that there are combined deformation modes of longitudinal bending and local torsion for single box and double chamber box girder under only vertical load on the middle web and equal vertical load on both sides of the web. Local torsion consists of confined torsion, distortion and transverse bending effect, which causes longitudinal and transverse stresses in the cross section. The theoretical calculation results of local torsion effect are in good agreement with the model test and the finite element analysis of plates and shells. It shows that the local torsional load solution method based on the equivalent cross-section shear flow is applicable to the double-chamber box girder. The local torsional effect of single box and double chamber box girder is the most prominent in the section near the load acting point. On the section, the longitudinal stress and transverse stress of the lower edge of the box girder are distributed in a broken line at the inflection point of the middle web plate. The stress distribution and magnitude are closely related to the position of the load acting on the cross section, and the longitudinal stress due to the local torsional effect can reach 25 parts of the bending stress of the elementary beam for example box girder.
【作者单位】: 兰州交通大学甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室;广州铁路集团公司株洲高铁工务段;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51368031) 甘肃省基础研究创新群体项目(1506RJIA029) 兰州交通大学优秀平台项目(201601)
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