本文选题:监控图像 + 隧道 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of expressway in our country, the number and mileage of expressway tunnels are increasing rapidly, which is accompanied by the huge waste of electric energy in the lighting of highway tunnels, especially in some tunnels with small traffic flow. Lighting lights often cause a huge loss of energy. In order to solve this problem, a tunnel energy saving control system is designed. The system consists of environmental information perception subsystem, vehicle behavior perception subsystem, illumination real-time monitoring subsystem, tunnel lighting and dimming subsystem, tunnel lighting communication subsystem, server tunnel lighting monitoring software. The vehicle behavior sensing subsystem consists of the following two parts: infrared sensor and ground sensing coil placed in front of the tunnel are responsible for detecting whether any vehicle is driving into the tunnel. If there is a vehicle coming in, the tunnel lights are turned on at this time; A surveillance camera installed on the wall of the tunnel that can cover the entire tunnel area, is responsible for collecting the monitoring images of each section of the tunnel, and judging whether there are vehicles passing through the tunnel by processing the monitoring images obtained by each camera in the tunnel. If it is judged that there is no vehicle in the tunnel and there is no new vehicle coming into the tunnel, the whole tunnel will be darkened. If the vehicle in the tunnel can not be detected accurately, it will affect the traffic safety in the tunnel, so it is of great significance for the timely and accurate detection of the vehicle in the tunnel. For this purpose, this paper adopts a method to detect whether there is a vehicle in the tunnel based on the monitoring image. Firstly, the median method is used to obtain the tunnel background image with different dimming levels, which is stored in the server. The real-time image of each region in the tunnel is obtained by the surveillance camera, and the road surface part of the image is taken as the region of interest, and the difference operation is carried out with the corresponding region of interest in the background image without vehicle. In order to extract the contour information of the target and remove the clutter points outside the target, the binary image is processed in blocks to count the number of non-zero points in the specific block area. Finally, the non-zero threshold is used to determine whether there is a vehicle in the tunnel. The threshold is obtained from the experience of a large number of experimental statistical results of the "Chipao Tunnel" in Quidomao Town, Tonghua City, Jilin Province. Whenever the lighting brightness changes in the tunnel, Re-retrieve the background image under this brightness and store it in the database. The vehicle detection method has been tested in Chipao Tunnel for more than half a year. The practical test and application results show that the method is simple, and when there is a vehicle in the tunnel, the rate of missing detection is zero, and when there is no vehicle in the tunnel, the detection rate is zero. The false detection rate of the vehicle detected was less than 5%. In the experiment stage of Chipao tunnel, good energy-saving effect is achieved under the condition of tunnel lighting specification.
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