[Abstract]:The reinforced concrete hollow pier has been widely used in various kinds of bridge piers and towers, especially in large bridges, because of its small weight and large moment of inertia. At present, the probability of the pier being hit by ships and vehicles is increasing, but the anti-impact mechanism of hollow piers is not clear. Therefore, in this paper, the lateral impact test, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of reinforced concrete pier with different hollow ratios are carried out systematically. The main achievements are as follows: (1) the application of reinforced concrete hollow pier is discussed. It also introduces the research status quo, summarizes and analyzes the mechanism of lateral load of reinforced concrete bridge pier and other related research progress and conclusions. The problems that need to be studied are summarized. (2) the static load-bearing performance and dynamic impact response of 15 hollow heart rate members with different cross-sections are studied by lateral static loading test and impact test. The experimental failure patterns of different hollow heart rate components were observed and the key parameters in the test included hollow ratio, reinforcement ratio of longitudinal main tendons, weight of drop weight and impact height. The experimental results show that the whole failure of the solid members is shown in both static and impact tests, and that in the static and impact tests, the whole bending shear failure and the local damage of concrete in the loading zone are shown in the hollow ratio 0.4 members. (3) the results of lateral impact test show that the peak value of impact force increases with the increase of impact height, and the mid-span displacement increases gradually, and the mass of drop hammer increases with the increase of impact height. With the increase of longitudinal reinforcement ratio, the stiffness of the member increases, the peak impact force increases, and the displacement decreases. When the impact energy is the same, the peak value of impact force is close. (4) the theoretical model of concrete hollow section pier column under static load is deduced theoretically. The rationality of the model is verified by comparing with the experimental results, based on the elastic and plastic two-stage analysis method of reinforced concrete hollow section members under lateral impact load. The theoretical formula of lateral deflection is established. (5) the detailed nonlinear numerical simulation of each test condition is carried out by using ANSYS / LS-DYNA software. The damage model of concrete elastoplastic cap is used to simulate the cracking and damage of concrete under impact load. The numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental and theoretical values.
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