[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of traffic flow, the width of the bridge becomes larger and larger, and the spatial problems in the process of bridge construction become more and more prominent. The monitoring of bridge construction needs to change from the previous analysis of the bar structure to the analysis of the spatial entity. To ensure the safety of the bridge during construction. In this paper, a set of simple and feasible construction control method of single-tower cable-stayed bridge is formed through a lot of theoretical analysis and research, and the feasibility of spatial construction control method of single-tower cable-stayed bridge is verified. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the whole bridge member system model is established by using the finite element analysis software Midas Civil, and the main beam under the two main construction stages, the maximum cantilever state and the completed bridge state, and the post-load combination of the bridge are analyzed. The internal force, stress and deformation of the cable tower and cable are calculated, and the results show that the stress and deformation of the bridge meet the requirements of the code. (2) A standard section of block 0 with 2.5m rib width of the main beam is established by using the finite element software Midas Fea. The spatial solid model of four typical segments of main beam with 2.0 m rib width and four typical segments of anchor span, The spatial stress distribution of each segment in the maximum cantilever stage and the bridge stage during construction is analyzed. (3) by comparing the longitudinal normal stress results of the solid element model with the beam element model, the law of stress variation is obtained. The arrangement of longitudinal stress measuring points of main beam section is optimized. Combined with the construction control method commonly used at present, a set of construction monitoring scheme suitable for single tower cable-stayed bridge is put forward. (4) according to the comparison between the theoretical value of the main girder and the measured value during the construction process of the main bridge, The accuracy of the construction control method is verified.
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