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发布时间:2018-07-24 14:16
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the design of freeway interchange is mostly regulated by the stereotype code, which does not fully consider the characteristics of the actual environment and lacks flexibility in the selection of linear index. This has resulted in the lack of safety in driving of the vehicle. Serious damage to the surrounding environment, mutual construction costs increase and other adverse consequences. By analyzing the influence of the technical index of interchange on the intercommunication land, cost, safety and comfort, this paper demonstrates the reasonable use index and recommends a set of reasonable technical indexes for expressway interchange. As a flexible design of interchange reference is very necessary. Based on the investigation and analysis of the present situation of the use of the index of the interchange of some of the built highways across the country, the present situation of the use of the index is understood, and the existing problems are pointed out. To solve these problems, it is necessary to reasonably determine the type and design speed of interchange and evaluate the safety. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper evaluates some ramps using the theory of speed coordination evaluation, summarizes the relationship between the main technical indicators of ramp and the coordination of speed, and combines the theoretical analysis and the current situation of using the main technical indicators. The recommended values of minimum radius of ramp level curve, minimum parameter of transition curve, maximum longitudinal slope and length of variable speed lane of expressway interchange are recommended, which provides a reference for flexible design of interchange. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) ramp alignment index is the key factor to influence the cost of interchange land; The unreasonable use of the low limit index of the ramp itself will affect the safety and comfort of the interchange. (2) the influence of the change of radius on the speed coordination of the on-ramp of the passenger car is greater than that of the large freight car, in order to ensure the stability of the passenger car, The radius of circular curve should be avoided as far as possible, and the general value of the specification should be relatively conservative and should be increased appropriately. (3) the change of the parameters of the detent curve has a greater effect on the speed coordination of the passenger car on the ramp than on the large truck. The minimum radius of the circular curve has a greater effect on the speed coordination of the vehicle on the ramp than on the relaxation curve. (4) the longitudinal slope has a great effect on the large truck, and for the upper slope of the exit ramp and the downhill slope of the on-ramp, Increasing the longitudinal slope will affect the running speed of the large truck, so we should carefully consider increasing the maximum longitudinal slope index value of the upper slope and the downhill slope of the exit ramp. In order to prevent the existence of the hidden danger of safety (5) it is unreasonable to design the length of the variable speed lane according to the single length in the specification. It is necessary to consider the influence of the design speed, the running speed and the traffic volume of all levels of ramp comprehensively, and recommend a set of suitable values.


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