[Abstract]:The rapid development of the economy has led to the demand for material exchange between different regions. More and more goods and raw materials are exchanged between different places, and there are more and more cars on the road interlacing, day and night. Great difficulties have been caused to the maintenance of the highway. The development of science and technology has brought a new impetus to highway maintenance. The use of various highway maintenance machines and tools has greatly improved the technical level of highway maintenance. However, with the development opportunity of highway maintenance, highway maintenance brings a great challenge to a relative employee. At present, the main method of weed control in China is to use chemical lifting or mechanochemical methods to kill grass, and in a few areas, workers are still used for weeding. The labor intensity of artificial weeding is high, the time consuming is laborious, the working efficiency is low, and the residual toxicity of chemical herbicides used in chemical or mechanochemical methods will cause certain pollution. In order to solve the problem of weeding, reduce labor intensity, improve labor productivity and reduce environmental pollution, this design has studied and designed a kind of vehicle-mounted mechanical weeding device in order to realize the requirement of sustainable development. The overall structure and principle of the hind- mounted weeding machine designed in this paper are relatively simple, and the requirements for the working environment and operators are not too high. The maximum function to be realized in this scheme is the random exchange of the weeding cutter and the dredger bucket and the completion of two completely different operations. In the course of highway maintenance, asphalt paver has the advantages of heavy weight, bottom of chassis, which is not good for driving, and ordinary semi-trailer can not carry out its transportation. Therefore, design hydraulic lift device and semi-trailer to carry out transportation. This design is designed to use hydraulic system to provide power, let the vehicle drive to the lift platform, then lift to the same height as the transport vehicle, and then let the vehicle to the transport vehicle. The principle is to drive the bearing table through four lifting oil cylinders and make use of the nylon block and the inner surface of the column as the track to realize the upper and lower movement of the cap.
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