[Abstract]:In order to explore the visual stress characteristics of drivers in the near accident mode, a real road driving test was carried out on a large number of test drivers by using a small passenger vehicle as a platform. By using video playback method, a series of near accident hazard data were selected from the test mileage of about 10 ~ 4 km. By dividing the gaze area into five areas: the current lane, the left side, the right side, the left rearview mirror, and other regions. The visual cognitive characteristics of driver in stress response were analyzed. The results showed that the average blink frequency of the driver in the stress response was lower than that before the stress response, and the fixation range was wider than that before the stress response. Drivers pay more attention to the left lane and other areas before the stress response, while in the stress response, the attention to the current lane, the right lane and the left rearview mirror increases. In the stress response, the attention transfer path of the driver is mainly from the current lane to the right lane, the left lane to the current lane, while in the freeway environment, the driver changes the left lane to the left lane before the stress response. When the attention of the left rearview mirror and other areas is higher than that of the stress response, the driver pays more attention to the information of the current lane and the right lane in the stress response. In the stress response, the attention transfer path of the driver is mainly from the current lane to the right lane, and the right lane to the current lane. In these two types of environments, the driver's visual behavior in the stress response is more flexible. The range of gaze is also wider.
【作者单位】: 长安大学公路学院;长安大学汽车学院;
【基金】:陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2016JQ5096) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(310822151028) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(16JK1375)
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