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发布时间:2018-08-10 21:29
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the continuous increase of the total number of urban vehicles, the urban traffic load is getting more and more serious, and the expansion speed of urban roads is far from the increase of the total amount of vehicles, resulting in the traffic supply can not meet the traffic demand. Typical traffic events will increase urban traffic pressure and test the capacity of urban traffic. Therefore, many traffic management and control measures have been put forward by scholars and traffic managers. However, these management and control measures are equivalent to external force intervention to traffic flow. Existing research results often ignore the role of the internal organization of traffic flow. The emergence of self-organization theory provides a new idea and direction for traffic scholars to think about traffic flow. The focus of self-organization research is to discuss the continuous evolution of the system and the possible discontinuous consequences of the evolution. On the basis of reading a large number of domestic and foreign research results on self-organization theory and traffic flow, this paper first gives the relevant introduction of typical traffic events, and then, from the micro perspective, The self-organization evolution of traffic flow under the influence of typical traffic events is analyzed from two macroscopic aspects. From the micro point of view, mainly from the perspective of the inner component of traffic flow, this paper analyzes the impact of typical traffic events on the driver's travel decision, and proves that under the influence of typical traffic events, the initial OD of the driver will change. Thus affecting the distribution of traffic flow in the region and even the whole city. From the macro point of view, it is determined that the self-organization theory is applicable to the urban road system, and then the catastrophe theory is applied to the urban road system. The occurrence of typical traffic events is accompanied by a sharp increase in traffic volume, resulting in the transition of urban road system state from unblocked to congested. The catastrophe theory discusses the critical state of these two systems, and establishes the catastrophe model of urban road system. The causes of the sudden change of the system are analyzed. Finally, the self-organizing results of the traffic flow before and after the sudden change of the urban road system are simulated by computer, in which the equilibrium state before the catastrophe is based on the Wardrop equilibrium rule. The research in this paper is of great significance to the further understanding of the internal organization mechanism of traffic flow and the practical role of traffic management.


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