发布时间:2018-08-11 12:08
【摘要】:截止2013年底,我国已投入运营的公路桥梁中,技术状况评定等级为四、五类桥梁数量达97698座,占桥梁总数的16.43%。我国公路交通运输中大量危桥的存在严重威胁着道路的安全畅通,对人们的生命、财产产生巨大的安全隐患。在交通量日趋增大,车辆荷载日益增加的今天,开展简支梁桥安全评价的研究,提出一种有效、快捷的简支梁桥安全评价方法具有重要的现实意思。本文通过对我国2001至2013年发生的41起简支梁桥事故统计,对事故发生的原因及造成的直接和间接损失进行了统计分析。通过计算简支梁桥事故的鲁棒性指数,提出了提升简支梁桥梁鲁棒性的改善措施。通过从人员、车辆、桥梁属性以及环境因素这四方面展开,对影响简支梁桥的安全性能的因素进行了详细分析,并归纳出28项简支梁桥安全影响因素。通过对山西省太原市、忻州市、大同市、吕梁市这四个地区的简支梁桥基础数据的处理分析,运用主成分分析对简支梁桥安全评价指标进行了指标筛选,并运用粗糙集理论确定了指标权重。根据可拓物元理论,确定了简支梁桥安全评价指标的经典域和节域,并最终建立了基于可拓学理论的简支梁桥安全评价体系,提出了一种实用、有效评定简支梁桥安全状况的方法。基于Visual Basic程序开发平台,开发了具有良好可视化界面、实用、方便快捷的简支梁桥安全评价系统。运用该程序对山西省薛家会大桥进行了安全评价,并与该桥实际桥梁检测结果进行了对比分析,结果表明本系统的安全评价结果与实际检测结果有较好的吻合性,证明了系统的准确性和可行性。本文的研究提出了一种基于可拓物元理论的简支梁桥安全评价方法,并开发了简支梁桥安全评价系统,可大大提升简支梁桥安全评定结果精度和评价效率,对促进我国简支梁桥安全评价事业的发展具有重要的社会意义和现实意义。
[Abstract]:By the end of 2013, among the highway bridges that have been put into operation in China, the number of the five types of bridges is 97698, accounting for 16.43% of the total number of bridges. The existence of a large number of dangerous bridges in our country's highway transportation seriously threatens the safety and unimpeded of the road, and has a huge hidden danger to people's lives and property. With the increasing traffic volume and increasing vehicle load, it is of great practical significance to carry out the research on the safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridges and put forward an effective and fast method for safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridges. Based on the statistics of 41 simple supported bridge accidents in China from 2001 to 2013, the causes of the accidents and the direct and indirect losses caused by the accidents are statistically analyzed in this paper. By calculating the robustness index of simply supported beam bridge accident, the improvement measures for improving the robustness of simply supported bridge are put forward. The factors affecting the safety performance of simply supported beam bridges are analyzed in detail from the aspects of personnel, vehicles, bridge attributes and environmental factors, and 28 factors affecting the safety of simply supported bridges are summarized. Through processing and analyzing the basic data of simply supported bridge in Taiyuan, Xinzhou, Datong and Luliang in Shanxi Province, and using principal component analysis, the index of safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridge is screened. The index weight is determined by rough set theory. According to extension matter-element theory, the classical domain and segment domain of safety evaluation index of simply supported beam bridge are determined. Finally, the safety evaluation system of simply supported beam bridge based on extension theory is established, and a practical application is put forward. An effective method for evaluating the safety condition of simply supported beam bridges. Based on Visual Basic program development platform, a simple beam bridge safety evaluation system with good visual interface, practicality and convenience is developed. The safety evaluation of Xue Jiahui Bridge in Shanxi Province is carried out by using this program, and compared with the actual bridge test results of the bridge. The results show that the safety evaluation results of this system are in good agreement with the actual test results. The accuracy and feasibility of the system are proved. In this paper, a simple supported beam bridge safety evaluation method based on extension matter-element theory is proposed, and a simple supported beam bridge safety evaluation system is developed, which can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of the safety evaluation results of the simply supported beam bridge. It is of great social and practical significance to promote the development of safety evaluation of simply supported bridges in China.
[Abstract]:By the end of 2013, among the highway bridges that have been put into operation in China, the number of the five types of bridges is 97698, accounting for 16.43% of the total number of bridges. The existence of a large number of dangerous bridges in our country's highway transportation seriously threatens the safety and unimpeded of the road, and has a huge hidden danger to people's lives and property. With the increasing traffic volume and increasing vehicle load, it is of great practical significance to carry out the research on the safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridges and put forward an effective and fast method for safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridges. Based on the statistics of 41 simple supported bridge accidents in China from 2001 to 2013, the causes of the accidents and the direct and indirect losses caused by the accidents are statistically analyzed in this paper. By calculating the robustness index of simply supported beam bridge accident, the improvement measures for improving the robustness of simply supported bridge are put forward. The factors affecting the safety performance of simply supported beam bridges are analyzed in detail from the aspects of personnel, vehicles, bridge attributes and environmental factors, and 28 factors affecting the safety of simply supported bridges are summarized. Through processing and analyzing the basic data of simply supported bridge in Taiyuan, Xinzhou, Datong and Luliang in Shanxi Province, and using principal component analysis, the index of safety evaluation of simply supported beam bridge is screened. The index weight is determined by rough set theory. According to extension matter-element theory, the classical domain and segment domain of safety evaluation index of simply supported beam bridge are determined. Finally, the safety evaluation system of simply supported beam bridge based on extension theory is established, and a practical application is put forward. An effective method for evaluating the safety condition of simply supported beam bridges. Based on Visual Basic program development platform, a simple beam bridge safety evaluation system with good visual interface, practicality and convenience is developed. The safety evaluation of Xue Jiahui Bridge in Shanxi Province is carried out by using this program, and compared with the actual bridge test results of the bridge. The results show that the safety evaluation results of this system are in good agreement with the actual test results. The accuracy and feasibility of the system are proved. In this paper, a simple supported beam bridge safety evaluation method based on extension matter-element theory is proposed, and a simple supported beam bridge safety evaluation system is developed, which can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of the safety evaluation results of the simply supported beam bridge. It is of great social and practical significance to promote the development of safety evaluation of simply supported bridges in China.
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1 翟敏刚;混凝土梁式桥承载能力极限状态下构件安全可靠性评估研究[D];长安大学;2009年