[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid growth of vehicle ownership has led to the deterioration of traffic conditions in many cities, traffic supply and demand inevitably appear layers of contradictions. Urban traffic congestion not only reduces the overall operating efficiency of urban traffic network, but also increases the internal friction of cities, such as environmental pollution, which has become the key factor restricting the development of urban economy. How to effectively alleviate and thoroughly eliminate the problems caused by traffic congestion has become a hot issue for scholars from all walks of life. Foreign experience shows that traffic congestion charging policy is the most direct and effective way to alleviate the problem of urban traffic congestion, compared with other traffic demand management measures, it is more direct and efficient. Up to now, traffic congestion pricing policies have achieved results in Singapore, Trondheim, Stockholm, New York, Toronto, London and so on, and have further become a model for other cities around the world to learn and follow. Taking Chongqing as an example, this paper theoretically studies the relationship between residents' travel mode and satisfaction caused by urban road congestion charging policy. The third chapter uses MNL model to study the impact of congestion charging on residents' travel mode. Chapter 4 uses questionnaire survey and statistical analysis to study the residents' satisfaction with congestion charging policy. The fifth chapter uses the principle of golden section to determine the weight coefficient of congestion charge on urban residents' travel mode and residents' satisfaction, and on this basis obtains the comprehensive evaluation study of the impact of congestion charge on urban residents' travel mode and residents' satisfaction. In the sixth chapter, facing the problems found in the process of analysis and evaluation, the corresponding suggestions and solutions are put forward. This paper finally finds out the balance point between the residents' travel mode and the residents' satisfaction caused by congestion charges, and finds out the key to alleviate the traffic congestion and make the people satisfied.
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