[Abstract]:Based on the current theory and design method of stability calculation of semi-rigid reinforced pile-supported cushion embankment and subgrade, through theoretical research, numerical analysis and comparison of Engineering examples, this paper calculates the thickness of cushion, bearing capacity of foundation, settlement of foundation and slope of subgrade, stability of subgrade retaining wall and so on. The main work and innovations are as follows: 1. The formula for calculating the cushion thickness under different pile diameters, pile spacing, subgrade heights and reinforcement strengths is established, which can replace the design method of cushion thickness depending on experience to improve the cushion thickness. 2. On the basis of analyzing the mechanics mechanism of pile-supported semi-rigid reinforced cushion embankment and the influencing factors of foundation bearing capacity, it is considered that the bearing capacity of pile-supported semi-rigid reinforced cushion embankment is equal to the bearing capacity of pile composite foundation, the reinforced cushion increases the bearing capacity and the soil pressure of embankment slope. The pile-supported semi-rigid reinforced cushion embankment foundation bearing capacity calculation theory and design method are obtained by using the superposition principle, considering the parameters of foundation stiffness, pile modulus, soil modulus between piles, pile diameter, pile length, pile spacing, replacement rate, cushion thickness, reinforcement tension and so on. The bearing capacity of the foundation of the semi-rigid reinforced cushion embankment increases with the decrease of the foundation stiffness, the increase of the replacement rate, the increase of the number of reinforcement layers and the strengthening of the cushion diffusion. The tensile force of the reinforcement plays a major role in improving the bearing capacity of the foundation. 3. The formula for calculating the correlation angle in the calculation of the stability of the clayey soil subgrade is deduced, and on this basis, the weight is increased. A new angle table with higher accuracy is compiled to improve the calculation accuracy. The analytical formula of the minimum stability factor Kmin of various possible failure surfaces of a soft clay roadbed slope is found, which simplifies the stability analysis and calculation process of the roadbed slope. 4. The concepts of calculating cohesion and calculating internal friction angle are introduced, and the seepage soil is established. Formula method is a new method for subgrade stability calculation and design. Formula method reflects the numerical correspondence among subgrade height, subgrade slope gradient, subgrade stability coefficient and subgrade soil calculation parameters. It simplifies the analysis and calculation process of seepage soil subgrade slope stability. 5. Through mechanical analysis, the paper studies the rock fill subgrade slope code masonry layer. The mechanical action of the rock-filled embankment is analyzed. The calculation and design methods of the stability of the rock-filled embankment are put forward. The roughness and unscientificity of the current calculation and design methods of the rock-filled embankment are overcome. A new formula for calculating stability coefficient is defined and a new method for calculating and designing anti-overturning stability is proposed. Hidden danger. 7. Based on the new definition of the stability factor of retaining wall against overturning, a new method for calculating and designing the anti-overturning stability of retaining wall considering the reaction moment of foundation is established. The anti-overturning stability factor of retaining wall is related to the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation, the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation increases, and the anti-overturning stability factor of retaining wall increases. The stability factor of anti-overturning obtained by this method is less than that calculated by the current code method. There are also potential safety hazards in the design of anti-overturning stability of retaining wall by using the current code method without considering the reaction moment of foundation. The calculation and design method for the stability of semi-rigid reinforced cushion embankment and subgrade with pile-supported structure are presented in this paper. The new method of calculation and design obtained in this paper can be used to guide the calculation and design of practical engineering. It is suggested that engineers and technicians should review the calculation and design method in engineering practice and adjust it if necessary.
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