[Abstract]:The Yazhi River Bridge with a main span of 800m is a cable-stayed bridge with steel trusses and concrete beams, and the middle span steel truss is "N" truss. Due to the constraints of terrain, transportation and construction period, the bridge uses cable crane to assemble the whole cantilever of 16m long steel truss beam segment. In order to counteract the influence of cable crane on the deformation of the bridge, the construction time and sequence of the high strength bolt at the joint are optimized to prevent the shear of the high strength bolt when the new segment is installed. In order to ensure the assembly accuracy of 16m long segment, the cable force uniformity and integral cable force control are realized by using the equivalent tension method and group anchor Jack tension, so as to realize the cable force uniformity and the integral cable force control, and pay more attention to the pre-assembly, measurement and error adjustment of the steel truss section segment in order to ensure the assembly accuracy of the 16m long segment, and adopt the equivalent tension method and the group anchor Jack to pull the cable. The cable force of cable construction is optimized to adjust the attitude of closing Longkou, and the temperature natural closure method is adopted to realize high precision closure. The main beam of the Yazhi River Bridge is smooth after closing, and the construction error meets the requirements of the code. The bridge was completed and opened to traffic in July 2016.
【作者单位】: 同济大学桥梁工程系;中交路桥建设有限公司;
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