[Abstract]:After the Hanshin earthquake in 1995, the residual displacement was included in the seismic code of bridges for the first time in Japan. In recent years, although some achievements have been made in the research and control of residual deformation of reinforced concrete pier after earthquake, the accuracy of calculating residual displacement is much lower than that of maximum displacement at the top of pier. In order to deeply understand the relationship between the maximum displacement and residual displacement of reinforced concrete pier after earthquake, the residual displacement of reinforced concrete pier under pseudostatic and seismic loads is analyzed and studied in this paper. The main contents are as follows: (1) through consulting a large number of literatures at home and abroad, this paper reviews and summarizes the research status of the influencing factors, calculation methods and control methods of residual displacement. (2) the OpenSees simulation calculation model of reinforced concrete pier is established. The accuracy and reliability of the calculation model are verified by numerical simulation of Calderone and Lehman pseudostatic test piers and Junichi Sakai and Kolleger shaking table test piers. (3) the numerical calculation model of reinforced concrete pier proposed in this paper is adopted. By using OpenSees software, the load-displacement curves and skeleton curves of the axial compression ratio, the aspect ratio, the reinforcement ratio, the volume hoop ratio, the strength hardening coefficient of the longitudinal reinforcement, the ratio of the longitudinal reinforcement to the concrete strength, and so on under the quasi-static load are analyzed. The influence law of equivalent stiffness, unloading stiffness, residual displacement ductility index and residual displacement influence coefficient. According to the variation of residual displacement influence coefficient with each parameter, the formula of residual displacement influence coefficient of reinforced concrete pier under quasi-static force is fitted by Origin software. The accuracy of the formula is verified by the existing pseudo-static test. (4) the axial compression ratio, the aspect ratio and the reinforcement ratio of longitudinal reinforcement under seismic load are analyzed by using the simulation calculation model of reinforced concrete pier proposed in this paper, and the OpenSees software is used to analyze the ratio of axial compression to dead load, the ratio of length to aspect, and the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement to reinforcement. Volume hoop ratio, hardening coefficient of longitudinal reinforcement strength, the average value of maximum displacement and residual displacement at the top of pier, the ductility index of residual displacement and the influence law of influence coefficient of residual displacement. According to the variation rule of residual displacement influence coefficient with each parameter, the formula of residual displacement influence coefficient of reinforced concrete pier under earthquake load is fitted by Origin software, and the rationality of calculation formula is verified by shaking table test.
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