[Abstract]:The planning of regional highway network is one of the important early works of highway construction and the foundation of ensuring the orderly construction of highway network. Regional highway network planning is a scientific and reasonable point of view, research and analysis of regional passenger and freight transportation status, in-depth analysis of the existing problems in the development of the construction, according to the regional economic and social development situation forecast traffic growth demand, A scientific and reasonable plan of regional highway network planning is put forward. Although mathematical analysis is reasonable and normative in previous theoretical planning models, it can not be closely combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis, and some parameters in the planning model can not be taken in the decision-making process. On the other hand, in practice, planning managers adopt a more direct and simple method, do not have strict mathematical model reasoning, value by experience, although there is a certain degree of adaptability, But there is a lack of more scientific predictive analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the advantages of the mathematical model prediction with the practical decision-making experience to make the regional highway network planning model more scientific and reasonable. Based on the commonly used regional highway network planning model, this paper studies the regional passenger and freight transportation demand prediction, the regional highway network scale prediction, the regional highway network system layout optimization, the regional highway network planning post-evaluation and so on. Traffic demand is the basis for determining the reasonable scale of the highway network. Scientific and reasonable traffic demand prediction can provide strong data support for the subsequent highway network scale determination. At the same time, the rational allocation of regional highway network scale can adapt to the development of regional traffic demand, which is conducive to the healthy growth of regional economy. The layout of highway network can reflect the traffic demand and its rational allocation of social and economic development. The comprehensive evaluation of the planning can reflect whether the connection of each part of the whole plan is reasonable, whether it accords with the development of regional traffic and whether it is beneficial to the development of regional economy. These four aspects constitute the key problems of the whole regional road network planning. This paper focuses on the above four key issues, and finally carries out practical analysis combined with the highway network planning and construction plan of Gaoping District, Nanchong City.
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