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发布时间:2018-10-05 08:17
[Abstract]:As a special machine for tunnel excavation, TBM is widely used in tunnel engineering. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on the mechanical properties and structural design of TBM, and finite element analysis is often used as an important auxiliary means in these studies. For extremely complex structures such as TBM cutters, the construction of finite element models often takes a lot of time and effort. In this paper, a finite element parameterized modeling and analysis system for TBM cutters is developed by using the APDL and VC visual programming technology provided by ANSYS. Firstly, on the premise of not changing the shape and size of the cutter head structure, the small and secondary structures are reasonably simplified, and 61 variable parameters are set up which can reflect the structural characteristics and size of the cutter head system. The finite element parameterized modeling program for TBM cutter head system is developed based on APDL, and several technical problems that should be paid attention to in the process of modeling are pointed out. Secondly, based on the APDL program, a friendly man-machine interface is developed, which realizes the data transfer between VC and ANSYS, and solves the problem of reasonable identification of input geometric parameters. A finite element parameterized modeling and analysis system for TBM cutters with good visibility is established. By constructing a finite element model of a 4-meter diameter TBM cutter head, the good practicability, reliability and convenience of the system are verified. Finally, the strength of the cutter head model established by the system under normal operation, ultimate load loading and eccentric load is analyzed, and the stress distribution and deformation of the cutter head under the corresponding working conditions are obtained. The results show that when all hobs are loaded, the overturning torque is not directly related to the hob bearing force, and the more serious the eccentric load is, the greater the overturning moment of the cutter head is. The lower end of the cutter is more dangerous to bear bias than other parts. This information has certain reference value for improving the design of cutter head. The finite element parameterized modeling and analysis system of TBM cutter head developed in this paper can solve the problem of repeated, time-consuming and laborious finite element model construction of TBM cutter head to some extent, and reduce the workload of TBM cutter head system finite element analysis. Shorten the period of structural analysis and design.


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