[Abstract]:There are relatively many roads along rivers in the mountainous areas of Shaanxi Province, because the economic losses caused by water damage are huge every year. At present, most methods of road damage evaluation are qualitative evaluation. However, qualitative evaluation has its inherent disadvantages and can not clearly explain the specific risk of water destruction. In this paper, Monte Carlo method is used to quantitatively evaluate road damage by using the magnitude of failure probability and reliability index. The forms of road water damage are various, and most of the highway along the river have protective works. This paper takes the water damage caused by the destruction of gravity retaining wall along the river as the research object. In this paper, the relevant methods for calculating the failure probability of structures are summarized and analyzed. According to the comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different calculation methods, Monte Carlo simulation method is selected to calculate the failure probability of the retaining wall along the river. The random factors affecting the reliability of soaking retaining wall are analyzed. The random factors mainly include the factors of the retaining wall itself and the hydraulic factor in the retaining wall. The field investigation and theoretical analysis show that the flow of water plays an important role in the retaining wall. In particular, the hydrodynamic pressure of retaining wall crack is the key to the failure of retaining wall. The characteristics of pulsating pressure produced by the impinging flow in front of the wall are investigated by orthogonal test. The numerical distribution of fluctuating pressure in cracks and walls is compared by means of experimental data analysis, and the pulsating impact force in front of the wall is analyzed. According to the design principle of retaining wall, the function functions of anti-overturning, anti-sliding and stability of foundation bearing capacity of retaining wall during dry season and rainstorm period are established respectively. According to the parameter distribution characteristics of random variables in the function, Monte Carlo numerical simulation experiment of soaking retaining wall is realized by using MATLAB software. The flood damage of provincial highway 102 was investigated, and the data of water damage and retaining wall along river were obtained. According to the relevant data, the function and the MATLAB software, the reliable index of the retaining wall along the river is solved. The results show that the most vulnerable failure of retaining wall in the low water period is sliding failure, and the most prone damage in rainstorm and flood period is overturning damage. Through the calculation of failure probability and reliable index of retaining wall along river, this paper realizes the quantitative evaluation of water damage risk, and instructs the local relevant management department to take scientific and reasonable preventive measures to prevent and cure highway flood disaster according to the research results. Reduce the risk of disaster.
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